A mixed raw veggie and herb cauliflower rice!!!

Recipe Directions

Throw in all ingridients in food processor, just make sure you cut up the cauliflower a bit , because the large chunks are harder to process in the food processor.

Cut up the tomatoe and red bell pepper too.

Then throw in the chives and parsley.

Process until all mixed well and broken down in little pieces that look like mixed veggie rice.

Serve in a plate and enjoy!!! you can simply add anything else you like in the cauliflower rice, Optional( avocado, raw olive oil, garlic, any other spices or herbs)

I personally like nothing else added to my raw cauliflower rice. its simple and delicious on its own!!!

Sweet's Thoughts

By sweet

A mixed raw veggie and herb cauliflower rice!!!

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A low fat, nut free, gluten free raw recipe. No added salts either:) I love it the way it tastes all mixed up in the food processer!! Enjoy everyone

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This looks awesome and simple. I'll definitely have to try it. : )

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cjgcricket's Review

Cauliflower rice
3 out of 5

Thought there was to much parsley.. maybe my fault.. it did say handfull or 2. When I took most of it out it tasted better.


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cjgcricket's Review

Cauliflower rice
3 out of 5

Thought there was to much parsley.. maybe my fault.. it did say handfull or 2. When I took most of it out it tasted better.

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This looks awesome and simple. I'll definitely have to try it. : )

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A low fat, nut free, gluten free raw recipe. No added salts either:) I love it the way it tastes all mixed up in the food processer!! Enjoy everyone

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