This recipe started with a modified version of the Cashew Icing that Crisyn posted (shout out to Crisyn! Thank you!). I just had some left in the fridge and felt like eating a sweet and grabbed the closest thing on my table, a banana. If you make the topping ahead of time and chill it for a while, it is thicker and,...
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Recipe Directions

1. Vitamix or process everything, except for the banana, until smooth.

2. Serve it on top of thickly sliced banana pieces.

Hippie Chick's Thoughts

By Hippie Chick

This recipe started with a modified version of the Cashew Icing that Crisyn posted (shout out to Crisyn! Thank you!).

I just had some left in the fridge and felt like eating a sweet and grabbed the closest thing on my table, a banana.

If you make the topping ahead of time and chill it for a while, it is thicker and, in my honest opinion, tastes better for this recipe.

My very-not-raw DM loved it! Hope you do too!

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1/8 coconut flakes? you do mean cup, yes?

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Yes...thanks :)


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Yes...thanks :)

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1/8 coconut flakes? you do mean cup, yes?

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