This recipe was adapted from one posted by FreedomB in the forums at Raw Pleasure. She used blackberries, but I use any berry that is in season, or frozen berries if I am really desperate. This can be served in bowls as pudding, used as a icing for a raw cake, as a filling in a prepared crust, or frozen as a sorbet....

Recipe Directions

1. Throw all the ingredients in the blender.

2. Either pour into bowls, crust, or ice cream maker.

Crisyn's Thoughts

By Crisyn

This recipe was adapted from one posted by FreedomB in the forums at Raw Pleasure. She used blackberries, but I use any berry that is in season, or frozen berries if I am really desperate.

This can be served in bowls as pudding, used as a icing for a raw cake, as a filling in a prepared crust, or frozen as a sorbet.

Please note: I included this in the Kids category, but children under one year should not be served berries.

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This was good, even better very cold. Thank you!


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This was good, even better very cold. Thank you!

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