I’m surprised I haven’t seen this posted yet, but it’s great and consistent. This dip is really as simple as mixing these two ingredients together. I can find a million uses for it. I’ve dipped berries in it, mixed it in with raw nuts, mixed with nut butters to make a desserty paste, even spread on dehydrated banana...

Recipe Directions

1. Add cacao to a small bowl. The smaller it is, the easier it generally is to stir.

2. Add your agave nectar over the top and begin stirring. I use an old shrimp fork for long and thin lines, and it seems to work much better than anything else.

Silent_advocate's Thoughts

By silent_advocate

I’m surprised I haven’t seen this posted yet, but it’s great and consistent.

This dip is really as simple as mixing these two ingredients together.

I can find a million uses for it. I’ve dipped berries in it, mixed it in with raw nuts, mixed with nut butters to make a desserty paste, even spread on dehydrated banana slices.

Let me know what you think, or let me know if this is already posted.

This generally performs better when you refrigerate it too.

Enjoy. ;)

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I like your word "desserty" :) It made me smile.

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Yep, this tastes like Hershey's Chocolate Syrup, no joke. I eat this in the morning at work...because it gets so boring I end up getting sleepy...it keeps me focused and energized!!

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* I have also made this raw honey, same proportions, with excellent results. I used a Canadian "unheated and untreated" White Gold Honey, which has a very fluffy and light texture. It turned out to be better than the original posted recipe, depending on your sweetener preference of course....


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Kristin, what brand was the cacao powder you used? I am a religious Whole Foods shopper but I've purchased quite a few raw products there that were sub-par. I just got a coffee grinder so I've been able to make cacao powder fresh to order. I would recommend that method because pre-ground cacao has a lot of surface area, and therefore loses essential oils and flavors significantly more quickly than in nib form. The grittiness might just be part of the sauce, but I have made this recipe relatively smooth with freshly ground cacao nibs. Good luck!

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I just tried this and it was kind of gritty.

Any suggestions? I used raw cacoa powder from Whole Foods.

Thank you.


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Hey, I just tried this tonight with an apple and it was so good! Thanks for the recipe. I love chocolate!

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this recipe proves how simple I am. I would have never thought to mix these two ingredients together. I would have mixed water and wondered why my chocolate tastes like crap. THANKS!

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Right on meganthevegan, it is for sure a good way to start your day... ;) This might do well mixed into homemade almond milk, not unlike Hershey's Syrup, as agave nectar does mix into cold or room temperatures liquids very well.

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* I have also made this raw honey, same proportions, with excellent results. I used a Canadian "unheated and untreated" White Gold Honey, which has a very fluffy and light texture. It turned out to be better than the original posted recipe, depending on your sweetener preference of course....

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Yep, this tastes like Hershey's Chocolate Syrup, no joke. I eat this in the morning at work...because it gets so boring I end up getting sleepy...it keeps me focused and energized!!

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I like your word "desserty" :) It made me smile.

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I love recipes with two ingredients. I bet this will taste good in my apple - nut butter - banana sandwich. Chocolate covered strawberries sound good too!

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Gimme anything with chocolate!!!

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