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Annabelle77's Thoughts

By Annabelle77

An extremely fresh tasting salad, that will probably be even better tomorrow after marinating (add lettuce and avocado right before eating)! And, you have to enjoy it slowly because it is mighty crunchy (watch those seeds!)

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I have been making a similar salad for the past two weeks, and it is wonderful. I don't use the soy or black beans or the lemon or oil.

I toss all the remaining with spinach, carrot, red sweet pepper and fennel. The pomegranate seeds make a lovely non-dressing.

Your salad looks tasty as well.


18 votes
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I have been making a similar salad for the past two weeks, and it is wonderful. I don't use the soy or black beans or the lemon or oil.

I toss all the remaining with spinach, carrot, red sweet pepper and fennel. The pomegranate seeds make a lovely non-dressing.

Your salad looks tasty as well.

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