Recipe Directions

1. Fillet one big aloe vera leaf; it is tricky and very slippery.

2. Blend together all the ingredients. Cheers!

Zhanna8's Thoughts

By zhanna8

Aloe loaded with vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and one of the most amazing super foods on the planet.

Some of common reasons are energy, immune function and support, digestion, and skin regeneration from collagen and elastin.

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33 votes
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when i tried same recipe with frozen cherries, it turned out to be unpopular. somehow cherries and aloe did not get along too well.

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what does aloe taste like? i have a giant aloe plant, but never thought about eating it. sounds great though!

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The taste by itself is not too much excitement, though when mix with berries or fruit it adopts the flavor well giving nice smoothness. It is perfect for smoothies.

Pilled part I like to use for as a lotion together with coconut oil. They one you grow might be too saturated. I buy one leaf which approximately 6†wide and 2’ long


33 votes
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when i tried same recipe with frozen cherries, it turned out to be unpopular. somehow cherries and aloe did not get along too well.

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I've had aloe vera juice straight up! Mixed with these tasty ingredients I better it is delicious. Thanks.

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The taste by itself is not too much excitement, though when mix with berries or fruit it adopts the flavor well giving nice smoothness. It is perfect for smoothies.

Pilled part I like to use for as a lotion together with coconut oil. They one you grow might be too saturated. I buy one leaf which approximately 6†wide and 2’ long

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it can be bitter, especially when using the whole leaf. I bet this tastes really good though, what a great combo!

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what does aloe taste like? i have a giant aloe plant, but never thought about eating it. sounds great though!

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