Recipe Directions

1. Put all ingredients into the food processor. Run it slow to allow the flavors to blend as it breaks the pieces down.

2. Stop it before it becomes liquid (while it still has little chunks and bits in it).

Chriscarlton's Thoughts

By chriscarlton

Just like from the bottle in the Asian shop! Okay, maybe better.

Put on a good DVD, grab your favorite crackers, and devour!

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Very, very yummy.. even with my tweaks lol. (A few slices Dried mango (no fresh on hand), yellow bell pepper (didn't have red) and stevia for most of the dates (I have to watch the sugars)) I add it to my salads and it's great with jicama or zucchini 'pasta'. Even better after 'marinating' for a day or so. Thank you!

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Yum! I just made this in a blender (not a food processor) and it's g-reat! It made enough for 2 big servings. Next time I make it I think I will make it less sweet and probably try it with the carrot/onion bread (even though I have no dehydrator I plan on trying it in my oven).

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After making this amazing recipe about ten times, I discovered another essential, in the form of the mango used. I have tried this recipe with 4 different varieties of mango's (I'll try and remember all of them) and so far a champagne mango is superior. Definitely select a mango that is almost too ripe, just this side of too ripe.


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Daniela Withaar's Review

Sweet Chili Sauce
5 out of 5

Amazing and so easy. I used minced garlic and ginger in a jar because thats what I had. Freaking yummy. Gonna make some raw spring rolls now

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I'm allergic to Bell Peppers, how can I overcome this if I make this sauce, any good suggestions...

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Hi Nancy,

When allergic to an ingredient, I always suggest looking for a different recipe rather than trying to make a substitution. :)

My "ingredient search" might be useful for you... You can do a detailed ingredient search on my website in a hard-to-find spot: use the search at the top (search for something, like peppers), then click on the fork and knife icon beside the search box, then click the "more options" and there you can specify recipe ingredients, for ingredients that you WANT or DO NOT want :)

I hope this is helpful!

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Thank you so much for your help, and I will try your search method...

Season Greetings, Nancye...

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lifeforce's Review

Sweet Chili Sauce
5 out of 5

This sauce is truly amazing. I actually made a quite a few weeks ago, but now that I am a member on here, I thought I would post my apreciation for it. YUM!!!

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rawrocks's Review

Sweet Chili Sauce
5 out of 5

This is a keeper!

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holly storm cloud's Review

Sweet Chili Sauce
5 out of 5

This is my new favorite thing! I put a whole black dragon pepper in it to really crank up the heat. It's a little bit of heaven and a little bit of hell!

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Yum! I just made this in a blender (not a food processor) and it's g-reat! It made enough for 2 big servings. Next time I make it I think I will make it less sweet and probably try it with the carrot/onion bread (even though I have no dehydrator I plan on trying it in my oven).

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Wowee! This is so good I'm taking it to my wife at her job at 10 o'clock at night with some chips just to make her day (well, night). God bless you, brother, for providing a raw alternative to store-bought salsas!

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Very, very yummy.. even with my tweaks lol. (A few slices Dried mango (no fresh on hand), yellow bell pepper (didn't have red) and stevia for most of the dates (I have to watch the sugars)) I add it to my salads and it's great with jicama or zucchini 'pasta'. Even better after 'marinating' for a day or so. Thank you!

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carrie6292 - Pressed means put it through a garlic press. If you haven't got one, chop the garlic and ginger, then press it hard to sruch it up with the side of a wide bladed knife.

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I just made this dish this past weekend and i'm glad that i read all of the comments before i made it. I went to the store and got the ingredients. The mango did not ripen enough by the time i needed to make this (for a friends house). It wasn't as "juicy" as the picture. Also, what do you mean when you say "pressed"? Is this supposed to be juiced and not thrown in whole? I used this as a spread for veggie wraps. It was good, but not as good as it should be (according to all of the comments). I'll try this again when i have the ripe ingrdients.

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This is one of the BEST dips I've ever had! Mine didn't come out looking as appetizing as yours but it is delightful with the raw sweet corn chips I just made. Awesome recipe, I bet it would be good with pineapple in place of the mango as well.

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I am in heaven! The lovely lady at the markets gave me an overripe mango. I forgot the chili, so added a good teaspoon of cayenne..... then chopped my slightly underripe mango from the fridge through with an avocado and piled it on to the plate next to a great mound of sunflower sprouts and a chopped tomato. The sauce went all over, a few pumpkin and sunflower seeds got added, and I forked the mix into huge wedges of iceberg lettuce for the juiciest sloppiest best raw "tortillas" I ever ate! Chris thank you for inventing and sharing this delicious recipe :)

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I soak flax seeds in 3 time their volume of water and then blend into a thick foam cream with even more (1/2 – 1 cup) water added on top before blending. This is a base for all my bread. On it’s own, just poured out onto trays to dehydrate, it’s like prawn crackers. Careful not to spread it out much you will pop the natural bubbles. Then depending on what you add, it can become anything from pasta, tortilla, pizza crust, fried batter, even our famous Carrot Onion Bread.

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Wow this looks gooooood!!! I'm SO going to make it. What crackers are in the picture? They look awesome!

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Wow this looks awesome.

Is there anything I could substitute for dates? Maybe raw honey?


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Snowfairy: Lemon Juice will do the trick I think.

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After making this amazing recipe about ten times, I discovered another essential, in the form of the mango used. I have tried this recipe with 4 different varieties of mango's (I'll try and remember all of them) and so far a champagne mango is superior. Definitely select a mango that is almost too ripe, just this side of too ripe.

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Hi Chris, you & Zoe are my idol's by the way:)

I love the sound of this sauce, but I can't eat vinegar - is there anything I can use instead? Lemon juice maybe, would it taste as good? Thanks xxxx

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Cheri - i bet the pineapple would be a really good substitute! More hawaiian, but still really good :)

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Chris, could you suggest a substitute for the mango? The only tropical fruits I like are citrus, pineapple, kiwi, bananas. Thank you.

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repurpose, it's a red bell pepper, and if I were you I'd go for the deepest and dark red pepper you can find. I recently made it with a red pepper that wasn't picked at the peak or ripeness, and the sauce seriously suffered. This is officially my second favorite recipe of all time to all readers, I usually omit the ginger but I'm sure it just makes it that much better ;)

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Sounds so good! What kind of "red pepper" is used though? A sweet bell pepper, a hot cayenne pepper?

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Chris or Zoe, can you recommend a good chip replacement recipe? I've tried a few corn chip recipes and i hate how sweet they are... everything else i've made comes out like a cracker... Thanks!!

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