This is the best bread I have ever eaten and it is so simple, it is ridiculous. This will curb any cooked bread cravings. Trust me! I made this yesterday, and came home for lunch today craving something cooked. I grabbed this out of the dehydrator and I just scarfed down a whole loaf of cinnamon raisin bread in less...

Recipe Directions

1. Process wheat and dates through juicer with a blank/solid plate. Mix well. A high powered food processor will work too if you don’t have a juicer.

2. For cinnamon raisin bread, add cinnamon and raisins and mix well.

3. For banana bread, process bananas with wheat and dates, then add vanilla and cinnamon.

4. Form into 2-3 loaves of bread. Place on Teflex or parchment paper in dehydrator at 105 Fahrenheit for 4-6 hours.

5. Turn bread over (removing Teflex or parchment) and dehydrate for 4-6 more hours, or until desired moisture is obtained.

Renoir's Thoughts

By Renoir

This is the best bread I have ever eaten and it is so simple, it is ridiculous.

This will curb any cooked bread cravings. Trust me!

I made this yesterday, and came home for lunch today craving something cooked. I grabbed this out of the dehydrator and I just scarfed down a whole loaf of cinnamon raisin bread in less than 10 minutes.

Really good warmed in the dehydrator with whipped buttery spread. I already have another batch of wheat berries soaking to sprout.

This is based on Rose Lee Calabro’s book “Living in the Raw” but her wheat bread has only 2 ingredients. Other ingredients can be added for variety.

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I made this bread base and added fresh sliced sweet onion and three cloves of garlic. It turned out really good. I am going to try the cinnamon raisin version today!

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How tall and wide do you make the loaves?

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What can I do if I don't have a juicer to process it thru? Can I use a food processor instead? Grind it together then lay flat?


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Territa's Review

Better Than Cooked Bread
5 out of 5

Fantastic bread recipe - thank you! I made the cinnamon raisin version and used about the same loaf size you did (in my Excalibur with a tray removed) and it came out great.

Next time I'd like to try a savory version. I'd love to hear about more experiments with this recipe!

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can sprouted quinoa or sprouted millet be substituted for the wheat berries?

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just grind the wheat berries in a coffee grinder. I'm going to make this for thanksgiving using buckwheaties... i hope this is the same!

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fantasitc bread!

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If you use a food processor, it just doesn't grind up the wheat berries as fine; you will just have little chunkies in your bread.

Thank you sooooo much for this recipe! I have started to crave wheat and so have been eating Ezekiel sprouted grain tortillas (not raw) the last few days while I search for raw recipes using wheat. This is the first one that sounds good, and it is simple, too! Yay :)

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Squirrel - I don't know how big to make your loaves since I don't have the excalibur :( (Maybe one day!!)... Experiment and see what works!

Amuzon1 - You can use a food processer if you don't have a juicer. I have both, and the recipe recommended the juicer, so that's what I did. I think the mix might be really thick in the fp, so you might have to stop to push the mixture around or add liquid to it.

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I made this bread base and added fresh sliced sweet onion and three cloves of garlic. It turned out really good. I am going to try the cinnamon raisin version today!

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What can I do if I don't have a juicer to process it thru? Can I use a food processor instead? Grind it together then lay flat?

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Ooops...I see you already answered that question. What I meant was, how tall and wide should the loaves be if you aren't making "mini-loaves". I have the 9 try Excalibur.


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How tall and wide do you make the loaves?

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You can try flat squares - let me know how it is! My dehydrator can't fit large loaves either, so I just made mini-loaves like an inch high, 4 inches long, 2 1/2 inches wide. When I did it this way, the inside was moist like bread and the "crust" got more dry like cooked bread.

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Do you think that it would work to just make flat squares and dry that way. I can't make loaves in my food dryer.

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OMG, this sounds so simple and so delish, I can't wait to try it when I'll finish my juice fast! I am such a carboholic and bread is one of my favorite foods!

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Rawrach - The dates I had were really fresh so they didn't need soaking, but if you are using dried dates then you might need to soak them first.

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I'm going to try this with buckwheat! I've been searching for a recipe.

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Did you soak the dates? I bet you could add like salt and pepper and maybe basil or something for a savory version.

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You can try it in an oven on just the warm setting with the oven door cracked. Then after the oven is warm, turn it off. Repeat every so often as needed. There was a forum post about alternatives to dehydrators too.

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This looks so incredibly simple!! It's times like these when I really wish I had a dehydrator:(

Enjoy a loaf (or two) for me:)!

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