Recipe Directions

1. Incorporate the walnut/cocoa mix into the gooey sludge until you have a gluey, sticky, slightly orange-flavored chocolate ball.

2. Add enough cocoa nibs for texture and crunch. The texture should be slightly jellied, but firm (a little like well set Turkish delight) but with crunchy walnut bits and cocoa nibs.

3. Roll the mix into apricot pit-sized truffles, and set aside whilst making the chocolate for the shells.


4. Whiz all ingredients up in your mill or grinder (easier than pie).

5. Finally the blade came out of the mill, and in went the truffles for a toss in their chocolate bath (I used two small cocktail forks to swish them around).

Mopoke's Thoughts

By Mopoke

Raw food Tim Tams!

My son wouldn't agree, but for me, this is the closest I've come since being raw to that chocolate covered biscuit slice with the fudgy innards that, despite being so bad for me,used to taste great savored with a glass of icy milk.

The resemblance came in the way that, when I nibbled the truffle in between small sips of water, the chia filling literally melted into the mouth. Um, maybe you had to be there.

This was a recipe that I wasn't expecting to be a keeper, so the measurements are approximate.

NB: Double dipped truffles would be even more decadent!

Double NB: These truffles must be kept refrigerated. The chocolate mix will melt at room temperature!

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We love chia seeds at my house, I have to try that recipe! Another nices treat for Christmas time :) thanks

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Mopoke! You're back! I loved all your recipes before. I am trying this one for sure!

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I'm making these today!!!


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Do you think i could just add water or fresh apple juice instead of the orange juice? Orange and Chocolate are not a combination that I personally like... but, i like your idea for the vanilla.... This is just to make a sludge, so it should be okay, right?

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I'm making these today!!!

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Mmm, I love chia and I love chocolate.

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It's good to be back RawKidChef :)....... Thank you for the kind words!

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We love chia seeds at my house, I have to try that recipe! Another nices treat for Christmas time :) thanks

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Mopoke! You're back! I loved all your recipes before. I am trying this one for sure!

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