Here you go, Kathrynintheraw! Everyone else who likes chocolate peanut butter ice cream can eat this too. :)
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    Serves 4
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Recipe Directions

1. Blend everything in a Vitamix till creamy smooth.

2. Freeze for 20 minutes.

3. Process in ice cream maker and freeze for another 20 minutes.

Rawclaire's Thoughts

By rawclaire

Here you go, Kathrynintheraw!

Everyone else who likes chocolate peanut butter ice cream can eat this too. :)

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Wow, laurajean what a downer. I understand where you are coming from, but not all of us are coming from a life time of eating a S.A.D diet. I for one have been vegetarian most of my life and didn't eat to many sweets. Now that I only eat living foods rkbush is right there is nothing wrong with a having a little fun in moderation.

Now rawclaire I jumped up and made this with my cusinart blender as my K-Tec :( is not here yet. I have to ask though did you add any water. I had to add 1 cup of water and I also used almond butter instead of the peanut butter. Though it was good it was seriously thick, way to thick for me, but glad I tried it anyway THANKS for the recipe.

Peace and Blessings

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No need to apologize! =) You might have heard of it as a "Lemonade Diet/Cleanse"... It's basically a major detox. You only drink a combo of lemon, maple syrup and cayenne (tastes better than it sounds lol) for a period of time (I'm going 14 days), and it clears out all the waste in your body (supposedly and hopefully). I've been having ALOT of digestive issues lately, so I'm doing this hoping to resolve them. There are actually a couple of threads in the "Being Raw" section of the forum about this right now. I'm only only one day in, and I can't wait til it's done so I can have some of this ice cream!! (And maybe one or two of those brownies you just posted lol)

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This looks like a great recipe to me. There's no reason why we can't be raw and have fun too! I can't wait to give this one a try.


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Hey, you know, I have really great salad recipe, I'll share it. Hope everyone likes it!

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Hey, no one is pointing a gun to our heads and making us prepare the recipes. They are there if you want them. There are also tons and tons of great salad, green smoothie, and other super healthy recipes. Keep'em coming!

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Well I can see laurajeans point of vew. A lot of recipes do contain nuts and in excess their fats can be bad for us. Of course all things are bad in excess even the best of life can't be taken in all the time or else we wouldnt understand why it's so good. I personally think we could use less nuts because they really fatty and costly for an effective diet. Sure it's good fats we need but not as much as most recipes call for. Nature has many great things that when used add body and life to what we want, why not try them instead of always asking the cashews and young coconuts to do it for us. I still agree sometimes it's nice to have fun and just enjoy something different than plain as is healthy food, and this is just that. One day we'll have the best of both worlds. A low fat dessert that is still healthy and fun. If we arent working towards the solution we may only be in the way of finding it.

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Wow, laurajean what a downer. I understand where you are coming from, but not all of us are coming from a life time of eating a S.A.D diet. I for one have been vegetarian most of my life and didn't eat to many sweets. Now that I only eat living foods rkbush is right there is nothing wrong with a having a little fun in moderation.

Now rawclaire I jumped up and made this with my cusinart blender as my K-Tec :( is not here yet. I have to ask though did you add any water. I had to add 1 cup of water and I also used almond butter instead of the peanut butter. Though it was good it was seriously thick, way to thick for me, but glad I tried it anyway THANKS for the recipe.

Peace and Blessings

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This looks like a great recipe to me. There's no reason why we can't be raw and have fun too! I can't wait to give this one a try.

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I will repeat what I mentioned in a another recipe commnt box, because I do feel that we all need to address and open our eyes to this, because it is not a healthy alternative to cooked and processed foods:

I am just looking through recipes, so this is a general observation/question. When did our raw food recipe ideas become so unhealthy? How can we possibly think that, for instance, a dessert recipe full of fat and sugar could be at all healthy? I’d probably feel better eating a Snickers! I don’t understand how we’ve gotten so far away from what is truly natural and healthy and good for us and in our efforts to break our addictions to cooked foods, we’ve simply mirrored these same unhealthy and processed, fatty foods with mock recipes made mostly of fats and unnatural flavorings, etc. When did eating fat laden nuts, seeds, or recipes full of salty condiments such as nama shoyu and Braggs, or cocoa powder and maple syrup become healthy? What a joke…this is a journey and I realise we are all trying to figure out the raw food lifestyle…but come on, we are WAAAAYYY off track here.

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No need to apologize! =) You might have heard of it as a "Lemonade Diet/Cleanse"... It's basically a major detox. You only drink a combo of lemon, maple syrup and cayenne (tastes better than it sounds lol) for a period of time (I'm going 14 days), and it clears out all the waste in your body (supposedly and hopefully). I've been having ALOT of digestive issues lately, so I'm doing this hoping to resolve them. There are actually a couple of threads in the "Being Raw" section of the forum about this right now. I'm only only one day in, and I can't wait til it's done so I can have some of this ice cream!! (And maybe one or two of those brownies you just posted lol)

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sorry for stupidity, but what's a Master Cleance? :)

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Oh my gosh!!! Thanks *rawclaire*! If I wasn't doing a Master Cleanse right now, I'd be all over this! You've got my tummy rumbling =P

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