This is a really good soup I was inspired to make it from Dining in the Raw by Rita Romano. I am not saying everything in her book is good cus its definitely not, but this recipe is really good!!!
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Recipe Directions

Set aside some broccoli florets, blend all remaining ingredients until creamy, and add enough water to create a thick soup consistency. Chop reserved florets and garnish. Chill and serve.

Sahara's Thoughts

By sahara

This is a really good soup I was inspired to make it from Dining in the Raw by Rita Romano. I am not saying everything in her book is good cus its definitely not, but this recipe is really good!!!

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I made this from memory; didn't blend the broccoli but just chopped some florets and 2 mushrooms in the end "soup," used some kale instead of parsley/cilantro, and used sage & basil to season. I keep looking at it, scared of tasting it, after tasting it I keep thinking "this should not taste this good" - but it is so tasty! Thanks for posting it!!

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i've really been missing broccoli soup so i decided to try this out... it was a lot of lemon even tho i only added 1 & 1/2... i added pine nuts which i think gave it a good milky taste and also some cumin which i dont know if it helped or not lol.. either way it came out good, not the biggest fan of raw broccoli and still loving it, thanks!

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I've just made it. I put there just lemon juice out of one lemon and 2 cloves of garlic (because I like the taste a lot). I didn't have cilantro. I put there 2 tsp of mustard powder to taste. It was pretty good :)


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I've just made it. I put there just lemon juice out of one lemon and 2 cloves of garlic (because I like the taste a lot). I didn't have cilantro. I put there 2 tsp of mustard powder to taste. It was pretty good :)

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My boyfriend and I tried it the other day and we thought it was too sour. Asides from the sourness, it had a pretty good taste.

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i've really been missing broccoli soup so i decided to try this out... it was a lot of lemon even tho i only added 1 & 1/2... i added pine nuts which i think gave it a good milky taste and also some cumin which i dont know if it helped or not lol.. either way it came out good, not the biggest fan of raw broccoli and still loving it, thanks!

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I made this from memory; didn't blend the broccoli but just chopped some florets and 2 mushrooms in the end "soup," used some kale instead of parsley/cilantro, and used sage & basil to season. I keep looking at it, scared of tasting it, after tasting it I keep thinking "this should not taste this good" - but it is so tasty! Thanks for posting it!!

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Since the soup was so thick, I juiced the broccoli stems and thinned the soup. Also added celtic salt and a little of cayenne pepper. I hate broccoli but this is pretty good!

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definitely trying this recipe, will let you know. Thanks for sharing.

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