This dressing is easy to make and is very yummy on every type of salad. I add the filtered water last to get the right consistency and you could add more Agave if you like it sweeter.
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Recipe Directions

Process everything but the water and then add water to desired consistency. Drizzle over salad, toss and enjoy!

Green girl's Thoughts

By green girl

This dressing is easy to make and is very yummy on every type of salad. I add the filtered water last to get the right consistency and you could add more Agave if you like it sweeter.

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14 votes
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Simple but delicious sounding. Will definitely enjoy this one.

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I really like that there isn't much oil in this. Definitely going into the recipe box. Thanks :)


11 votes
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I really like that there isn't much oil in this. Definitely going into the recipe box. Thanks :)

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14 votes
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Simple but delicious sounding. Will definitely enjoy this one.

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