Recipe Directions

1. For the kale chips, remove and wash kale leaves and dry them. Place all the rest of the ingredients in the food processor or blender and process until mostly smooth. massage mixture into kale chips and dehydrate for approximately 12 hours or until crispy and dry.

2. For the bread, combine all ingredients in a bowl and kneed with your hands until you get a very thick doe like consistency. Separate into four and shape them into 1/4 inch or so squares on your dehydrator sheets. About 2-3 hours into dehydration, flip them over to get a thorough dry. Dehydrate for approximately 10- 12 hours.

3. Cut one piece in half and add your choice of veggies! You may need a condiment. I used spicy mustard even though its not raw.


Just a little FYI, feel free to play around with the recipes. For example with the kale chips you can add whatever veggies you like, because the nutritional will give it the flavor, I recommend the red pepper though.

Healthanista's Thoughts

By healthanista

This sandwich is a great way to use the left over almond pulp from almond milk as well as pulp from juicing!

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I love kale chips, and your recipe for 'em looks really tasty. Too bad I don't own a dehydrator :(

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healthanista's Review

Raw Deli Sandwich With Spicy Kale Chips!
5 out of 5

Yes they are very tasty!!! =))


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healthanista's Review

Raw Deli Sandwich With Spicy Kale Chips!
5 out of 5

Yes they are very tasty!!! =))

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I love kale chips, and your recipe for 'em looks really tasty. Too bad I don't own a dehydrator :(

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