I was really craving some Top Ramen and found this fantastic recipe online.  I modified it a little to make it less spicy and after letting it soak for 4 hours (the kelp noodles are pretty crispy if you don’t let them soak) warmed it up on the stove a bit before diving in. Yum!
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Recipe Directions

Mix all ingredients except Kelp Noodles in a bowl with a lid.

Rinse a package of Kelp Noodles by Sea Tangle. Many Whole Foods stores carry them (they’re in the refrigerated section).

Add the rinsed noodles to the liquid mixture and set in the sun for 4 hours. Pour into bowls and eat!

You can also soak the noodles overnight in the mixture in the fridge if you want them really soft.


Abbeycamp's Thoughts

By Abbeycamp

I was really craving some Top Ramen and found this fantastic recipe online.  I modified it a little to make it less spicy and after letting it soak for 4 hours (the kelp noodles are pretty crispy if you don’t let them soak) warmed it up on the stove a bit before diving in. Yum!

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mmmmmmm 8) sounds good.thank you. i've never had kelp noodles... kelp is a type of sea veggie right? or am i way off.... if it is from the sea does it have that kinda really fishy-sea taste to it... or is it a pretty mild flavor? i dont know if my little store has kelp noodles anyway .... gonna find out right now tho =)

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No, not fishy at all. They don't have any kind of taste really. They just take on the taste of whatever you put them in, that's why it's important to let them sit in the sauce for a few hours. Happy eating!

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sooo i went to a cool asian food market.. and they didnt have kelp NOODLES... but they had like a kelp... jelly-ish thing =/ i doubt that it's raw.. but i want to cut them into tiny thin strips to resemble noodles... are kelp noodles gummy in texture?... are they raw? are they just kelp strips cut into thinner pieces? .. should it be clear or are they still like a dark green... sorry if i sound like i'm being silly and asking a bunch of dumb questions :( thanks for the post tho :)


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i crave ramen all the time... today i made some miso soup to deal with it... i like your idea, thank you!

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nevermind :) i googled it thank you!

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sooo i went to a cool asian food market.. and they didnt have kelp NOODLES... but they had like a kelp... jelly-ish thing =/ i doubt that it's raw.. but i want to cut them into tiny thin strips to resemble noodles... are kelp noodles gummy in texture?... are they raw? are they just kelp strips cut into thinner pieces? .. should it be clear or are they still like a dark green... sorry if i sound like i'm being silly and asking a bunch of dumb questions :( thanks for the post tho :)

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No, not fishy at all. They don't have any kind of taste really. They just take on the taste of whatever you put them in, that's why it's important to let them sit in the sauce for a few hours. Happy eating!

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mmmmmmm 8) sounds good.thank you. i've never had kelp noodles... kelp is a type of sea veggie right? or am i way off.... if it is from the sea does it have that kinda really fishy-sea taste to it... or is it a pretty mild flavor? i dont know if my little store has kelp noodles anyway .... gonna find out right now tho =)

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