Recipe Directions

1. If using shredded coconut, put in food processor and blend for a few minutes.

2. Scrape down the sides and blend again for another minute. You should have a very smooth, oily coconut butter.

3. Add remaining ingredients except sesame seeds. Blend until smooth. Taste and adjust to your preference.

4. Scoop out a tablespoon or so at a time and roll into balls with your hands (you can wet your hands to keep it from sticking.)

5. Put the sesame seeds on a plate, and add the rolled truffles as you make them.

6. Toss them around in sesame seeds to cover.

Mandelicious's Thoughts

By mandelicious

These are my substitute for the Chinese pastry.

They are really melt in your mouth addictively delicious.

A good one to try on non raw friends and family.

There are only two in the photo because we ate most of them before I got the camera!

I prefer to eat these at room temperature, because they harden significantly in the fridge.

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33 votes
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you could definitely put blended dates in the middle... but that would be much more work.

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These were great! They definitely fill a gap that I was missing taste-wise. They were pretty mushy to roll right after processing so I might chill it a bit before rolling if I wanted them to look nice.

27 votes
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Sounds pretty darn yummy... actually sounds better than the real thing!


31 votes
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These were great! They definitely fill a gap that I was missing taste-wise. They were pretty mushy to roll right after processing so I might chill it a bit before rolling if I wanted them to look nice.

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20 votes
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I made these today and they are delicious! Thank you.

33 votes
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you could definitely put blended dates in the middle... but that would be much more work.

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19 votes
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These are a great pick me up. I was feeling a bit fatigued this afternoon and whipped these up really quick for an afternoon snack and they were perfect! I was also trying to think of something to put in the middle to replace the sweet bean curd that is in the traditional Sesame Balls. Maybe blended dates with something?

27 votes
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Sounds pretty darn yummy... actually sounds better than the real thing!

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