Sweet yet zippy. I served these crackers New Year's day to rave reviews. Easy to make. I enjoyed them very thin and very crunchy. Very different from the usual crackers.

Recipe Directions

1. Grate yams and apples.

2. Put half of them in the blender and puree with chia seeds, juice, zest, and cinnamon.

3. Add sauce to the rest of the grated mixture. Add coconut.

4. Spoon onto teflex sheets and dehydrate for 6-12 hours.


WellnessWiz's Thoughts

By WellnessWiz

Sweet yet zippy. I served these crackers New Year's day to rave reviews.

Easy to make. I enjoyed them very thin and very crunchy.

Very different from the usual crackers.

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What can you sub for chia seeds?

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Without a dehydrater, I love to slice some sweet potato very thin to add color and sweetness to a salad or other meal. Their color is great.

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I see Ginger in the name of this cracker but not in the list of ingredients. Am i missing something? They sound interesting.


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I see Ginger in the name of this cracker but not in the list of ingredients. Am i missing something? They sound interesting.

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Without a dehydrater, I love to slice some sweet potato very thin to add color and sweetness to a salad or other meal. Their color is great.

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9 votes
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RAW sweet potatoes are not toxic at all. In fact they are delicious, I cannot wait to try these crackers. Fabulous recipe.

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Aren't raw potatoes toxic?

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How much ginger?

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What can you sub for chia seeds?

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duh - it is ginger Crackers ... not ginger in the soup. Been a long day.

I have all the stuff for this --- it sounds really good. Going to give it a try for lunch tomorrow!

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I'm curious as to how much ginger to put in this recipe???

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