Recipe Directions

  • 1. Place almonds in food processor. Process until they look like slightly chunky "almond flour." REMOVE from food processor and dump into big bowl.
  • 2. Add psyllium husk, flax and salt to bowl that contains "almond flour" that you just made.
  • 3. Your food processor should now be empty. Add onions, garlic and lemon juice to your food processor. Process until quite liquidy, mushy and pourable.
  • 4. Dump onion mixture into the big bowl that contains your dry ingredients.
  • 5. Add 1/3 cup water to big bowl. Mix everything together with spoon. Add more water (1/8 cup) if necessary to get dry, doughlike texture that you can mold into loaves.
  • 6. Mold into six small loaves.
  • 7. Place directly onto dehydrator tray. Dehydrate at 145 degrees for 1 hour - then reduce temperature to 110 degrees. Dehydrate for another 6 hours or so. Tastes best if eaten right out of dehydrator, but can be stored in fridge for 4 days.

The Rawtarian's Thoughts

By The Rawtarian

Because I am always so excitable I think I may have blown my credibility. But this time I mean it - THIS IS SOFT, SUPPLE, CUTTABLE SAVORY RAW BREAD THAT HAS A CRUST!

Giving props where props are due, this overall concept of spongy raw bread recipes were first invented by Chef Ito (as far as I know). Then, I recently watched an excellent tutorial by the delicious Russell James, who inspired me to create simpler and cheaper version of his bread recipe. Our recipes differ in that my raw bread recipe above doesn't require almond pulp or coconut meat - since I never have either.

Also, psyllium husk is kind of crazy on your system since it is explosively fibrous, so don't eat too much of this at once :)

A couple more tips:

It is the psyllium that makes this raw bread recipe spongy and good. YOU MUST USE PSYLLIUM or this recipe won't work. Psyllium husk is pretty cheap - get a big bag of it at your health food store or you can order it online, but that's probably not necessary because I bet you can find it locally. 

Note: this recipe calls for psyllium husk and works best with it.  But if you must use psyllium powder and I can't stop you, note that psyllium powder equals one third the whole husks.  (In other words, use 1/3 cup psyllium powder or 1 cup psyllium husk in this recipe. I recommend using psyllium husk.)

Also, if your dehydrator doesn't have enough room for the height of these raw loaves - remove the tray above it. Cover the hole from the missing tray with aluminium (tin) foil.  Just tuck it in and wrap around.

Recipe Photos

Nutrition Facts

Nutritional score: 79 out of 100
  • This recipe is very low in Calories, and Carbohydrates.
  • This recipe is low in Sodium.
  • This recipe is a good source of Dietary Fiber, Riboflavin, and Vitamin E.
  • This recipe is a noteworthy source of Protein, Calcium, and Iron.

Amounts per 66 g (2 oz) suggested serving

NameAmount% Daily
Calories 196 8 %
Protein 6 g 11 %
Fat 14 g 18 %
Carbohydrates 14 g 4 %
Dietary Fiber 9 g 28 %
Sugars 2.1 g
Calcium 100 mg 10 %
Iron 1.3 mg 10 %
Sodium 294 mg 13 %
Source: USDA, The Rawtarian

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Comments and Reviews


91 votes
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I also made this by omitting the onion/garlic and adding an apple instead. It's not sweet and it's just as moist. (I didn't have any onions). This is a great bread for a raw foodist. I make raw eggless salad and I use this bread. Fantastic.

I also used this recipe as a basis for spiced cookies. Use an apple for the onion, omit the garlic and other savory stuff. Add whatever sweetener and spices (cin, ginger, cardamom etc) you prefer. Shape into cookies and dehydrate. Mine got really crispy and cookie like. Delicious. The psyllium husk is absolutely the secret ingredient and is critical to the recipe.

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Annie Wood's Review

Raw bread recipe - moist spongy loaves
5 out of 5

COOKIES! i'm going to try that! thanks for posting. i love, love, LOVE this bread. i throw in some anise seeds and stevia to change it up. sometimes rosemary. without the onions.

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nice ideas Annie!

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Gail, good suggestion with the apple. I was just about to ask what I could use in place of the onions because I dislike (hate, rather) onions. Thanks!

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Genius, isn't it?

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Hi Gail,

Genius about the apple since the texture/moisture content would provide the same purpose as the apple.

Love the spiced cookie ideas as well. You've got my creative juices flowing.

Thank you for sharing. It's comments like yours that make this website such a handy resource for all, me included. :)

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Gail's Review

Raw bread recipe - moist spongy loaves
5 out of 5

I make a rye bread by adding caraway seeds. It reminds me of the "party rye" breads that you buy near the deli (small loaves of rye bread, all sliced up)

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Great idea Gail. Thanks for sharing it with us!

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Excellent Joanne. So glad they turned out well for you. Tasty indeed!

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Hello!) Can i use rye bran? Because i haven't psyllium husk. Or rye bran it's not a raw?

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Hi Zoya! At risk of sound blunt, no, rye bran will not work! :)

Psyllium husk is very different and it is the only thing that will work in this recipe.

:) xox

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I'm making this now, will let you know how things go. I did notice the loafs were somewhat hard to shape even after adding the extra water, we shall see. Fingers and toes crossed.

Posted from The Rawtarian's Raw Recipes App

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Hi Joanne, how'd they turn out?

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Hi Laura,
I have been very keen in healthy lifestyle for a few years now and recently I discovered a RAW food style. I made a resarch about it and I have to say I like the concept of it a lot(btw that's when I discovered your fab website too :) ) I have set myself on experiment yourney 2 weeks ago. I have tried some of your recipes and I have to say they turned just DELICIOUS!! One thing that was hard for me was give up on bread so aleluja for your version of raw savoury bread! which I made just yesterday and OMG! I love eating raw,feeling energized and sooooo light, but one thing that is not quite convenient for me is the amount of nuts that is used in raw food diet(as I live in UK and the prices of nuts are quite high even if shopping in bulk online. Thus I want to ask,do you think it would be possible to substitute some of the nuts like almonds,walnuts for grinded buckwheat?Specifically in this recipe. Or at least half of the amount. Also that would add lots of complex protein into my new way of eating. I would love to continue in long term but purchasing so many nuts all the time is putting me off slightly.

If you could give me a clue how to stay raw but cheap that would be marvellous!

I love your mission, idea and recipes. I wanna say you are doing Great and we all love you for your simplicity.

Best wishes
Anicka and London :)

P.S. to readers: I purchased Excalibur dehydrator 4 trays and I am totally satisfied with it! I dehydrate just for myself so 4 trays is sufficient enaugh and is much cheeper then 9 trays one. What I love about this dehydrator is that it allows you to dehydrate bulky food as you can remove some of the trays if you need more space between each of them.

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I love to tweak your recipes a little....I added sun dried tomatoes and basil and turned it into italian bread of sorts. Also...I had to add like 1/2 cup extra water....maybe because of my added ingredients but I didn't think it would matter as long as I got the correct consistency and dehydrated for a little longer...THANKS! Love the bread!

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Hi Barclay! Great to hear from you again :) Sounds yummy. I love sundried tomatos in dehydrated stuff - tastes extra rich that way!

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If you are on a strict raw food diet, can you freeze this bread and still get all the nutrients, enzymes, etc? Does it keep it's consistency and flavor?


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Hi Lori, it keeps the consistency and flavor very well when frozen. I do eat frozen foods, and I do freeze some of my food. In my opinion, though, it does compromise some enzymes. In the most simplistic example, can you say that a strawberry that has been frozen for a year has the same nutritional value, enzymes, and is as "alive" as a strawberry that was just picked off the vine two minutes before? No way, they are not the same. That being said, I do freeze and eat frozen raw food - but we are kidding ourselves if we think that they are identical

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Thank you so much and thank God for you with this knowledge to share this with others. I love bread and just ate this. It is fabulous.
At the last hour, I slice the loaves and put it back in the dehydrator and it came out like pieces of toast bread. I made a tomato pesto
and cheese and oh it was delicious. I like the onion as well. The whole thing is great I will also use the recipe to make other different
Thanks for sharing and God bless you.

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Annie xoxoxoxoxox :)

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I bought psyllium husk powder....Do you think this recipe will still work?

Posted from The Rawtarian's Raw Recipes App

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I was just wondering how your bread turned out with the powder instead of whole psyllium husk?

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Hi Redheadedgirl, yes, give it a go and come back and tell me how they turned out!

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I have to say I don't get what you have against round dehydrators and ovens. I've used both and things really come out fine.

Maybe your $250 dehydrator does it better, but it's like a car: a Porsche is nicer to drive, but it doesn't mean you tell someone without much cash to sell their Hyundai and take out a second mortgage to buy one just because it's nicer. If it gets you where you need to go, it's fine.

And honestly, an oven is fine. Just a note though, if you are using an oven, you need to keep the door propped open to allow air to circulate.

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