Recipe Directions

  • 1. Place all ingredients in a high-speed blender. If possible, let them sit in there for a few minutes to soften the dates a little bit.
  • 2. Blend all ingredients in your high-speed blender. The ingredients can be a little finicky to blend, so start at a slow speed and increase speed slowly.
  • 3. Keep blending for a very long time to get a velvety consistency. This is one of those recipes that really makes use of the power of a high-speed blender. If you feel that the blades are just spinning but aren't actually moving all of the icing around, turn the blender off and make an air pocket down the side of the blender with a spatula to expose the blades. Remove the spatula, replace the lid, and start blending slowly again.
  • 4. You'll know it's ready if there are no bits of dates and all you can taste is velvety chocolate goodness.
  • 5. This raw chocolate icing is ready to use as soon as you pour it out of the blender.

The Rawtarian's Thoughts

By The Rawtarian

Raw chocolate icing... I am having difficulty understanding how the combination of four basic ingredients could taste so divine.

I mean, this raw chocolate icing only contains dates, cacao, coconut oil and water. Sounds boring, right? It must just taste like pasty dates, right?

Wrong! This tastes like raw chocolate icing that you'd get at some high-brow raw vegan restaurant. It has a smooth, chocolatey, velvety texture and sweet, chocolatey mousse-like taste. Plus, it's really easy to work with and spread.

I was inspired to whip up a batch of raw chocolate icing to go on top of my raw brownies. Yeah, the combination of those raw brownies and this icing is pretty much heavenly. This raw chocolate icing has a very handy consistency--it's a lot like mousse when kept in the fridge.

It's a great raw vegan icing for cakes, brownies and the like! Iced cakes or brownies should be kept in the refrigerator.

This raw chocolate icing could also double as a raw pudding if you were feeling sad and needed to eat some chocolate out of a bowl with a spoon to make yourself feel better. :)

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Nutrition Facts

Nutritional score: 88 out of 100
  • This recipe is very low in Calories, Fat, Carbohydrates, and Sodium.

Amounts per 50 g (2 oz) suggested serving

NameAmount% Daily
Calories 117 5 %
Protein 0.98 g 2 %
Fat 7 g 9 %
Carbohydrates 15 g 5 %
Dietary Fiber 2.4 g 7 %
Sugars 12 g
Calcium 11 mg 1 %
Iron 0.56 mg 4 %
Sodium 1.6 mg
Source: USDA

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Comments and Reviews


56 votes
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Awesome! Thanks for sharing, Patty! :)

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Aray88's Review

Raw chocolate icing
4 out of 5

Delicious and nutritious!

55 votes
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Thanks, I totally love it myself! :)

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Love it on the brownie! Had some leftover.... Sliced a banana in 2 parts and toped it with this chocolate goody, yum!

56 votes
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Now that sounds really really good! :)

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jbubonia's Review

Raw chocolate icing
5 out of 5

This icing is divine! It reminds me of a decadent chocolate pudding. Yes, I did eat a spoonful :)

53 votes
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Just a spoonful, Janace? :)

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Lilac's Review

Raw chocolate icing
5 out of 5

Divine! Great texture and taste.

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Thanks, Lilac, I'm glad you liked! :)

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Jessica's Review

Raw chocolate icing
5 out of 5

Actually going to make this tonight! My boyfriend suggested I put this on the raw banana creme pie recipe.

58 votes
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Well, he's adventurous, isn't he? Enjoy the pie, however you make it! :)

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Rebecca V's Review

Raw chocolate icing
5 out of 5

I have made this to dip strawberries into, the kids love it and so did I.

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Mmm, good combo, Rebecca. I'm glad you all loved it! :)

101 votes
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I'm trying this tonight! I went to 5 thrift stores to find a food processor! I found one and it works great! I'm so looking forward to tasting these! :) thanks for sharing!

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Good score on the food processor, Shannah! Enjoy! :)

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Beatrice's Review

Raw chocolate icing
5 out of 5

Got hoocked from the first tea spoon of your chocolate icing..truely amazing!!!

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Hey Beatrice! Here's to many more teaspoons! :)

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I ivory's Review

Raw chocolate icing
5 out of 5

So I went pantry shopping but forgot the dates and I was like really wanting to have this yesterday. So, I improvised and used red grapes instead of the dates. Not as intense as the dates but still sooo delicious! I was really excited that the recipe was easy and very delicious. I ate the last of them this afternoon as a snack. Thanks!

93 votes
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A very creative sub! :)

92 votes
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Oops, posted on the icing. I used the grapes in the brownie itself! Sorry for the confusion.

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Jennifer's Review

Raw chocolate icing
5 out of 5

A dorm-room success! Brought this to a VegOut on your raw brownies... tested the combo the day before and felt like a kid after licking every utensil :) The day of the potluck my Magic Bullet gave out (owned it for a week).... so I hand chopped the dates and nuts. Everyone loved them, thank you Laura-Jane!

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OMG I want to have a VegOut! WHAT IS IT??????? It sounds fun. Why do I never get invited to such things???

Bummer about your Magic Bullet - get a replacement yet?

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Jennifer's Review

Raw chocolate icing
5 out of 5

It is a monthly vegan potluck I found on (mostly raw too)! They do a summer co-op and a blackberry U-Pick-It... fresh fruits and veggies will abound :)

Impatiently waiting the arrival of my food processor :)

42 votes
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How is your Food Processor Jennifer??

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