I am a runner, and I was depleting my glycogen reserves daily; and consequently I was getting sick often. I started making this recipe every morning, and I haven't been sick since. It is simple, creamy, quick and delicious.
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Recipe Directions

Rinse the soaked buckwheat groats, and put them in the food processor with the banana, dates and cinnamon. Process until smooth. Slice apple and place on top of porridge in a bowl with the blueberries.

Michaelm's Thoughts

By michaelm

I am a runner, and I was depleting my glycogen reserves daily; and consequently I was getting sick often. I started making this recipe every morning, and

I haven't been sick since. It is simple, creamy, quick and delicious.

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sv3's Review

Buckwheat Porridge
5 out of 5

This is so good! I only used a couple of dates and served with sliced apple and raisins - very tasty. This will be a great breakfast in the colder months. Thanks!

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Thanks Colleensraw! It's still one of my favorites :)

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This sounds so nice I have really missed porridge and I just so happen to have all these ingredients will make these soon. Thanks for sharing


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dawnk6395's Review

Buckwheat Porridge
5 out of 5

So delicious and filling. A perfect breakfast.

Posted from The Rawtarian's Raw Recipes App

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I am absolutely in love with this recipe! An extremely delicious and filling breakfast which was exactly what I was looking for. I topped mine with Hemp Hearts, Goji berries, raw sprouted pumpkin seeds and a few berries.

Posted from The Rawtarian's Raw Recipes App

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yohang's Review

Buckwheat Porridge
5 out of 5

Is it O.K to eat raw buckwheat?

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I've been wondering this, myself. Once I saw an off-hand comment in some forum about eating raw buckwheat could cause a "fluke." trematode? I have been looking for an answer since then. does anyone have any facts about this?

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Yes, just soak it overnight and rinse.

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It is!

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Thanks Colleensraw! It's still one of my favorites :)

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yessssssssssssssssssssssssss! this was sooo good, i actually just kept the idea as buckwheat as a porridge, and added a load of frozen raspberries and ...gasp maple syrup..and cinnamon. it was soooooooooooo good. thank you!

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sv3's Review

Buckwheat Porridge
5 out of 5

This is so good! I only used a couple of dates and served with sliced apple and raisins - very tasty. This will be a great breakfast in the colder months. Thanks!

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Zemphira's Review

Buckwheat Porridge
5 out of 5

This was delicious and has become my official Saturday morning breakfast.

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maidenofthewell's Review

Buckwheat Porridge
5 out of 5

This is yummy! Filling too... I made it with dried dates and it was nice, then got some fresh ones in and it was amazing! I also put some raisins in one morning and it reminded me of cake mix! I need to get some more buckwheat so I can have it every day for a while!

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Wow, Michaelm, thanks alot! I have been a bit intimidated by my buckwheat groats but I think I will try this tomorrow. I really appreciate the advice, it helps tons!

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Hi iheartveggies,

I asked John Bagnulo, Phd. in nutrition at the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health, if the buckwheat groats had to be sprouted, or if they could just be soaked over night. He told me two things: buckwheat is more like a legume, and soaking over night is fine. You do want to rinse them before you process them to wash away the unwelcome enzyme prohibit er. Hope that helps.


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I love buckwheat porridge, I often add cacao powder too. It makes a good pudding as well when you fancy something a bit like a steamed sponge pudding. Mmm I wonder if such a pudding exists, might have to start inventing!

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Sounds yummy! I might throw in a bit of nut milk. Thanks!

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I have some buckwheat groats sitting in my pantry but I'm not sure how to sprout them. If I sprout them overnight, they will only be rinsed once or twice. Is that enough?

55 votes
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This sounds so nice I have really missed porridge and I just so happen to have all these ingredients will make these soon. Thanks for sharing

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