A sweet recipe to make when you’re craving chocolate. Can easily be frozen into ice cream. If you don’t have frozen bananas, you can freeze the smoothie afterwards or add ice cubes.
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    2 cups
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Recipe Directions

1. Blend all ingredients well in a blender. Make sure you add enough water/nut milk so that it blends smoothly.

Marisa's Thoughts

By Marisa

A sweet recipe to make when you’re craving chocolate.

Can easily be frozen into ice cream.

If you don’t have frozen bananas, you can freeze the smoothie afterwards or add ice cubes.

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No, the stuff at the store is not raw. There are several raw food specialty companies that sell the raw variety.

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Your grocer might. My local co-op sells raw organic cacao powder and in nibs...

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Is the regular cacao powder at the grocery store raw, or is there a special brand or something that you need to look for?


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Your grocer might. My local co-op sells raw organic cacao powder and in nibs...

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No, the stuff at the store is not raw. There are several raw food specialty companies that sell the raw variety.

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Is the regular cacao powder at the grocery store raw, or is there a special brand or something that you need to look for?

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