Recipe Directions

1. Place all ingredients in Vitamix or other high speed blender for one or two minutes on high or until everything is smooth (use accelerator tool to help).

2 Chill in fridge over night if you want it cold. If not, eat it at room temp. and enjoy.

Orange Flower's Thoughts

By Orange Flower

A cold soup with a kale and basil base.

I used all dry herbs just because they are what I had in the house, but fresh ones would be a lot better.

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16 votes
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No offense but from the photo, this looks absolutely disgusting. Is it?

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Thank you rosiee for letting me know that. :-) It's ok shgadwa I get offended too easy anyway. Plus eveyone has different tastes-and it's ok that they do b'c after all we are all different. And, I guess, at times green can gross ppl out. But to me-now-Geen=Health. At least for most things in life- LOL.

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Awww thank you rosiee so much-makes me feel better :-) The hot pepper is just my taste-I put hot stuff on everything-my friends make fun of me-but I know it's too much for most people. Thanks again.


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I don't know why that part crossed out???

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Thank you rosiee for letting me know that. :-) It's ok shgadwa I get offended too easy anyway. Plus eveyone has different tastes-and it's ok that they do b'c after all we are all different. And, I guess, at times green can gross ppl out. But to me-now-Geen=Health. At least for most things in life- LOL.

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Orange Flower,

I am so sorry if you did take offense at that. I will have to overcome my fears and make this some time soon as by the other comments, this sounds like a great raw soup and I love Kale.

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Orange Flower. I am going to make it again tonight - I like it so much

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Yana-I'd love to meet more raw people I need to have more support-if you know of any gatherings please let me know. :-)

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Yana-thanks for the kind words. The bowl is corelle from like the 1960's-an old hippie friend of mine gave me a set- :-).

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Sounds super tasty! Have no basil :( but will definitely be trying. I also love the bowl! My family has some from years ago and we have no idea from whence they came. My boyfriend does as well, haha. I also noticed (on your profile) your in NYC, as am I :) Brooklyn here. Keep creating!!

11 votes
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Awww thank you rosiee so much-makes me feel better :-) The hot pepper is just my taste-I put hot stuff on everything-my friends make fun of me-but I know it's too much for most people. Thanks again.

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9 votes
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I just made the soup and it was great. I cut back on the hot pepper. Thanks.That will

be one of my favourites.

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I do take offense

16 votes
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No offense but from the photo, this looks absolutely disgusting. Is it?

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Hmm, I like the green and spicy things, I think I'll like it!

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