I am the only raw enthusiast in my family, so I often make dinners for just me. I’ve been burned by making a huge recipe and having it not turn out well. I really don’t like wasting food. I’ve learned to scale back my dishes so that I’m not disappointed. I am disappointed I didn’t make more of this recipe!!!! It was...

Recipe Directions

1. Marinara Sauce (Eureka! I’ve finally found my sauce): Blend sundried tomatoes, onions, date, tomatoes, basil, garlic, red pepper, and Italian seasoning until smooth.

2. Cashew cheese: Blend cashews, nutritional yeast, lemon juice and celery stalk until smooth. You may need a little bit of water to move it in the blender.

3. Marinate mushrooms and carrots until limp in Nama or Braggs. About 45 minutes. Squeeze out excess marinade with a paper towel.

4. Assembly: On a Teflex sheet begin by putting 1/3 of the sauce. Layer 3 slices of zucchini overlapping, mushroom/carrot, spinach leaves, 1/3 sauce, and cheese. Repeat until all ingredients are used.

5. Dehydrate for 5 hours at 105 degrees. As it dehydrates you may need to dab away some of the juices so your dehydrator doesn’t get messy. If you don’t have a dehydrator. let it sit in your fridge over night and enjoy the next day.

Om...'s Thoughts

By om...

I am the only raw enthusiast in my family, so I often make dinners for just me.

I’ve been burned by making a huge recipe and having it not turn out well. I really don’t like wasting food.

I’ve learned to scale back my dishes so that I’m not disappointed.

I am disappointed I didn’t make more of this recipe!!!!

It was the best raw dish I have ever made. I’ll probably triple the recipe next time. I could seriously eat this for a few days. Happy eating!

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Thats what I like to see! Low fat and delicious! :)

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So good! I'm made it for the second time last night. Hard to believe it's raw and is so much better than cooked veggie lasagna. The only difference that I made was I made a cheese with basil added... yum!

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I just had this for dinner! Yummy! I hit the marinara sauce with a little cayenne pepper. One quick question - the ingredient list calls for a date, but where should it go? I added it to the cheese.


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cargo - it looks like the date is in the marinara sauce, but I'm curious. How was it in the cheese?

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Thats what I like to see! Low fat and delicious! :)

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27 votes
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So good! I'm made it for the second time last night. Hard to believe it's raw and is so much better than cooked veggie lasagna. The only difference that I made was I made a cheese with basil added... yum!

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I added red pepper afterwards too. I like it hot, some people don't. The date goes in the sauce. I'll make that correction pronto. It probably doesn't matter much where it goes as long as it gives just a bit of sweetness.

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I just had this for dinner! Yummy! I hit the marinara sauce with a little cayenne pepper. One quick question - the ingredient list calls for a date, but where should it go? I added it to the cheese.

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This looks and sounds amazing! I can almost smell it! Thank you for sharing.

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Oh yeah! The whole recipe is 400 calories!

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