A delicious,light, and properly combined soup.
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Recipe Directions

Add the red bell pepper and the oranges to a blender and blend thoroughly. Pour into a bowl or bowls and add the avocado. Sprinkle some cracked peppercorns or a dash of cayenne pepper. Serve!

Humanimal's Thoughts

By humanimal

A delicious,light, and properly combined soup.

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42 votes
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This is the very first raw recipe I have ever made. It was delicious & EASY! My body was is still thanking me for this.

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Gotta love it! Thank you!

37 votes
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this rocks!! i chopped up the other half of the avocado and added it after i blended the soup... this was a perfect lunch on a remarkably warm afternoon!! :) thanks!


37 votes
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this rocks!! i chopped up the other half of the avocado and added it after i blended the soup... this was a perfect lunch on a remarkably warm afternoon!! :) thanks!

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40 votes
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Gotta love it! Thank you!

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34 votes
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Yum, this sounds great! I'll have to try this soon. :)

31 votes
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I am very glad that this recipe was your first and enjoyed raw food concoction.

Lots of Love :)


42 votes
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This is the very first raw recipe I have ever made. It was delicious & EASY! My body was is still thanking me for this.

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