5/5 (from 1 ratings)5
1 cup raw Brazil nuts (unsoaked, grounded)
1 cup raw pumpkin seeds (unsoaked, grounded)
1 cup frozen or fresh raspberries
2 tablespoons raw honey
Recipe Directions
1. Grind the pumpkin seeds and Brazil nuts.
2. Add the raspberries and blend.
3. Then add the honey (agave or dates) and a little bit of water. You can add more water to thin it out or leave it thick.
4. Pour it over a fruit salad or eat as it is.
Skystrdust's Thoughts

I was craving something sweet, and fruit alone just wasn’t doing it for me.
This is so rich and creamy, it definitely hit the spot.
I was thinking, "There is no way this is raw," while I was eating it.
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Top voted
Jun 06, 2010
I liked the crunchy texture of the dry unsoaked nuts after I ground them, but I'm sure it'd turn out great even if you did soak them.
Jun 06, 2010
mmm mmm mmm intriguing take on something sweet...i've been craving sweet, fatty food (late at night like you...i read yer post) and usually go for cacao and almond butter candy...but this :) it feels good eating something as light as this
Jun 06, 2010
If you want the nuts to be crunchy, just soak them overnight and dehydrate for another 12 hours. My nuts always come out really crunchy that way.
Chris S
Jun 12, 2010
Sounds good. And I can't comment on the profiles personally so I just want to say it here. I feel Sky is a beautiful woman and I just had to say it.
Jun 06, 2010
If you want the nuts to be crunchy, just soak them overnight and dehydrate for another 12 hours. My nuts always come out really crunchy that way.
Jun 06, 2010
mmm mmm mmm intriguing take on something sweet...i've been craving sweet, fatty food (late at night like you...i read yer post) and usually go for cacao and almond butter candy...but this :) it feels good eating something as light as this
Jun 06, 2010
I liked the crunchy texture of the dry unsoaked nuts after I ground them, but I'm sure it'd turn out great even if you did soak them.
Jun 06, 2010
How come you don't soak the nuts/seeds?
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