I just bought this new raw recipe book by Wendy Rudell. I loved this recipe the minute I saw the picture in her book! This is my version of it. I have the corn raw and love the sweet and spicy taste of this dish!
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    Serves 4
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Recipe Directions

Blend saked nuts with coconut water, and add in jalapeno and garlic. Set aside in a bowl. Cut corn from the cob and mix in scallions. Stir into nut cream mixture. Garnish with cilantro.

Deegarry's Thoughts

By deegarry

I just bought this new raw recipe book by Wendy Rudell. I loved this recipe the minute I saw the picture in her book! This is my version of it. I have the corn raw and love the sweet and spicy taste of this dish!

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That does sound yum!

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omigawd that looks so good.


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That does sound yum!

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omigawd that looks so good.

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