Recipe Directions

1. Place oat groats in a food processor and pulse until it’s an oatmeal consistency.

2. Put mixture into a large bowl.

3. Add almond flour, raisins, agave nectar, vanilla extract, ground cinnamon, and sea salt. Mix well.

4. Form into cookies and place on a teflex sheet.

5. Dehydrate at 105 Fahrenheit for as long as it takes to get them to your liking. I did mine for almost 24 hours before I thought they were done.

Modified phill's Thoughts

By modified phill

These are truly amazing cookies!

This is probably the best thing I've ever made!

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I love oatmeal raisin cookies....can't wait to try!!!!

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These look amazing!!!! can;t wait to try them.

14 votes
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These were very tasty. I didn't use the ground almond, I only used the grooud oats mixed with everything else. I really enjoyed them. Making another batch tonight with shredded coconut and walnut or pecan pieces. If I had some chocolate, I would make some cowboys cookies-raw style.


14 votes
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These were very tasty. I didn't use the ground almond, I only used the grooud oats mixed with everything else. I really enjoyed them. Making another batch tonight with shredded coconut and walnut or pecan pieces. If I had some chocolate, I would make some cowboys cookies-raw style.

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wow. these look awesome!

13 votes
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Wow, can't wait to try them. They look great!

18 votes
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I love oatmeal raisin cookies....can't wait to try!!!!

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they are SO good. and super easy. and i managed to make them last for 3 days :)

17 votes
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These look amazing!!!! can;t wait to try them.

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