Recipe Directions

totally blitz everything in your blender, scrapping down sides to mercilessly smoosh any unwilling sunflower seeds.

keep refridgerated, will last a few days, tastes better after sitting overnight, the onion and garlic chill out a bit and lose the harshness. the flax oil is optional, i just put it in everywhere i can as its so amazingly good for you.

enjoy with dippy things, or over salad etc

Dodo's Thoughts

By dodo

adapted from a vegweb recipe

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hehehe i think i like you beany bee-gan ;)

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its very nummy indeed :)

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everything is to taste, always :). glad youre all liking it, ill have to think of some more simple stuff to put up :)


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mmm nice idea venti

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I ended up using this on some pita bread I had, and it worked well if you're still eating bread here and there. I think one thing I would add next time is some sort of chili pepper for some extra zap.

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im working on some more recipes, im not a bad cook so it cant be that hard aye, wish me luck mwahhahahaa

venti, all those flavours seep into each other, its really beaudiful on the second day :)

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Just made it...added half cup extra seeds to make it more pasty. Can't wait to try it tomorrow!

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everything is to taste, always :). glad youre all liking it, ill have to think of some more simple stuff to put up :)

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Wanted to put in my two cents, another amazingly simple recipe. I did use much less water than called for, but I assume its to taste. I will definitely be trying this with some zucchini chips tomorrow, thanks for the idea jamieeyore!

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thanks jamieeyore, thats brilliant, ill have to have a bash at doing that myself.i was a bit of a chipaholic before i went raw. if anybody else tries doing funky things with it do let me know wont you :)

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I made a batch of this 'sour cream' last night and, on a whim, decided to try coating some zucchini chips in it before placing them on the dehydrator. Oh my goodness, they tasted just like sour cream and onion potato chips!!! Thanks for the recipe!

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hehehe i think i like you beany bee-gan ;)

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Thanks dodo, should be good with the vegg. chips I have and am making for the Holidays. Take care of yourself.... bee-gan

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its very nummy indeed :)

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Simple AND delicious! Great combination...I'm sure it's delicious. WTI (Will Try It)!

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