Recipe Directions

  • 1. Throw the ingredients in a tiny bowl.
  • 2. Grab a spoon and take the bowl back to your TV.
  • 3. Mix it together while you're watching TV because it can take a little while to mix properly, especially if your coconut oil is hard. It'll look really dry at first, but don't add any extra anything. Just go with my measurements and mix it together slowly and carefully with a spoon. Within a minute you'll get the texture seen in my above pic.

The Rawtarian's Thoughts

By The Rawtarian

Picture this... You've just had dinner. You're watching TV on the couch. Your non-raw husband pulls out a little chocolate bar beside you, and you wish you could have a little taste of chocolate too. What do you do? You run into the kitchen and make my 1 minute raw chocolate fudge, that's what!

It's so quick that you can do it in a commercial break, only requires three ingredients.

You'll notice that this makes a very tiny serving size, so you'll want to make it in a tiny bowl so that you can stir it properly against the sides of the bowl. I use little tiny custard bowls.

This raw chocolate fudge is really sweet so you don't need much of it to get a nice hit of sweet chocolate flavour.

Frozen Recipe Twist: Make a few servings of this recipe and roll them into balls. Then freeze and eat right out of the freezer. The frozen texture is amazing!

Recipe Photos

Nutrition Facts

Nutritional score: 84 out of 100
  • This recipe is very low in Calories, Carbohydrates, and Sodium.
  • This recipe is low in Fat.
  • This recipe is a noteworthy source of Protein, Dietary Fiber, and Iron.

Amounts per 39 g (1 oz) suggested serving

NameAmount% Daily
Calories 158 6 %
Protein 3 g 6 %
Fat 11 g 14 %
Carbohydrates 21 g 6 %
Dietary Fiber 5 g 17 %
Sugars 12 g
Calcium 21 mg 2 %
Iron 2.3 mg 18 %
Sodium 4 mg
Source: USDA

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160 votes
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Hi  Susie! Yes, it is unsweetened cocoa powder :)

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I loved it! And it was super easy to make. Thank you so much!

166 votes
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My pleasure, Anna! Glad it satisified your sweet tooth :)

159 votes
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I am new to raw food, and am trying to incorporate more recipes everyday. I'm a teenager living with my meat loving, hamburger chomping family, and at first they thought I was a wee bit crazy, but after tasting this 1 minute miracle fudge, and several other of your recipes, I think its safe to say they have been eyeing my dinner plate a little more curiously. THANK YOU so much Laura Jane. Your recipes make me crazy excited for my next meal :)!

146 votes
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Awesome Micayla, I bet you are having a positive effect on your family. Generally, actions speak so much louder than words. Just seeing you eat healthy (and thriving on raw) will rub off on others for sure. Keep up the great enthusiasm and nice job doing this at home. I know it must be tough when things aren't as much in  your control. Keep up the awesome!

155 votes
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Yum yum!!!! Had to substitute agave for the honey.

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Glad it hit your sweet spot, Jennifer!

145 votes
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Oh wow! I just made this in less than a minute - just what I needed! Sprinkled some Himalayan salt over the fudge at the end. Divine!

Posted from The Rawtarian's Raw Recipes App

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So glad you enjoyed, Dorothy! It's perfect for when you need a quick hit of the sweet!

188 votes
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I tried this with carob powder. Yuck. The yuck factor was my own fault. I just wanted to share on here that carob powder isn't a good plan for this. I love the consistency, though. I'm anxious to get some cocoa powder and make it. :)

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Hi Kari, thanks for sharing. It's comments like yours that make this place great. Thanks for sharing!

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Hi! Love this website! Do you know if there is a substitute for the coconut oil?

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Hi McKenna! Nope, sorry, there is no substitute for coconut oil in this recipe. (the coconut oil is used to solidify and hold it together, which is why it's important for this recipe!)

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DAMN. I'm living in a small island off the coast of Madagascar and have no access to a real kitchen, but stumbled across some cocao powder and have been browsing no bake recipes like crazy. I could not be happier with this! That being said, halfway through it got to be too much (I had no milk, nut or otherwise, to go with it) -- but I added a TSP of strawberry preserves which turned it into a delicious pudding sort of thing. Can't wait to use it as a cake-topper... one day! Cheers.

181 votes
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Hi Astra, yummy! I have frequently added some thawed frozen raspberries to my little bowl, and I bet it tasted similar too. What are you doing in Madagascar with no kitchen?

240 votes
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I just read the comments about you using honey in your recipes. I notice that in most recipes you do provide alternative natural sweeteners. Unprocessed or raw organic honey is very nutritious, I love it and prefer to use it over other processed natural sweeteners. Please keep doing what your doing, your website and recipes are great!

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Hi Sissy, Thanks! I too find that using raw, unprocessed honey (locally made, just down the road from me!) is a much better sweetener for me and my family.  I have received a lot of criticism (even by a book publisher, in fact!) because it's not vegan, but to me it's not quite the same thing as eating lamp chops!

200 votes
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I loved this! Do you have any other "instant" sweets on your site? Love all your recipes!

197 votes
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Hi S, This one is probably the most "instant" recipe (since it literally takes minutes and no equipment).

But these haystacks are easy and they don't require any equipment.

If you have a food processor this raw chite chocoloate is easy, and brownies are easy too.

Hope this helps!

219 votes
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Ohhhh! I must admit, I was skeptical after reading "all" the ingredients required, but decided to try it anyway. I was happily surprised: It's sooo good!! Thanks for this very-easy-and-delicious recipe!

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My pleasure, Kate! Glad I was able to prove the skeptic in you wrong, heehee!

235 votes
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Okay, this was off the charts last night. Had a serious sweet tooth and it worked to quell it! I don't use honey, and my agave had expired, so I used organic light corn syrup and it was perfect! Thank you!

Posted from The Rawtarian App

227 votes
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My pleasure Michele. It's perfect for that quick fix!

238 votes
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I made this today and chopped up some almonds in it and then out it in cellophane paper and put it in the freezer for about an hour! it was like a chocolate bar!

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Sounds devine Felicia!!

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