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Recipe Directions

Slice the zucchini in half lengthwise. Scoop out seeds and soft interior and add to food processor. Spirilize or grate the body to make pasta or set aside for other recipes.

Combine the basil, onion, pumpkin seeds, and dried tomatoes with the zucchini seeds and process to a thick sauce. Pour sauce on top of zucchimi pasta and serve.

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Nice! I will try this one!

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This is what i do too, but i've never added pumpkin seeds - sounds good! Oh, and i use fresh tomatoes... same thing though! I love it! So nice and light and good for you! Thanks for adding the pumpkin seeds! Great idea!


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Nice! I will try this one!

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This is what i do too, but i've never added pumpkin seeds - sounds good! Oh, and i use fresh tomatoes... same thing though! I love it! So nice and light and good for you! Thanks for adding the pumpkin seeds! Great idea!

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