Recipe Directions

1. Prepare pie crusts and set aside.

2. In a large bowl, mix the berries. For this recipe, I actually prefer thawed, pre-frozen berries to fresh, but you can use anything.

3. In the bowl of your blender, blend the reserved blueberries, agave, and lime or lemon juice.

4. Pour this mixture over the berries and combine well. Let sit, covered, in the fridge, at least an hour or up to overnight.

5. Drain out excess juice (personally, I like a pie juicy and don’t do this) and fill the pie crust. Place the top crust over the filling, and crimp the edges.

6. Either refrigerate until chilled or serve immediately.

7. Dehydrate at 105 F for 2-3 hours.

Poemomm's Thoughts

By poemomm

The cooked version of this is a very popular pie in the Northeastern United States.

Blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries jumble together in a riot of flavor.

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31 votes
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This is so pretty! I never would have thought raw pie crust could make a top crust!

Thank you for this inspiration!

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yes poemomm thank you for this inspiration. I'll first make it without the mac nuts because I forgot I don't have any of those. Oh well, I'll let you know how it comes out! Meantime, I have to make some of your pepperoni.

27 votes
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oh my god, this does look so good. you should be a raw chef for a living, if you arent already.


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i made this today :D its sooo good. THANKYOU

27 votes
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oh my god, this does look so good. you should be a raw chef for a living, if you arent already.

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14 votes
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ooooh! What a fab idea! I might have to try that!

17 votes
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Okay, so I thawed the berries halfway and then pulse chopped them in the food processor. Then I stirred in the agave and spread the mixture onto teflex sheets to dehydrate for a while (stirring every so often, like when I make my blueberry jam). I had the bottom crust in the dehydrator, too, so when I filled it and put the top crust on, everything was still warm and gooey. YUMMY!!!!!!

18 votes
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I saw the recipe for the pie crust yesterday & told my son about it. He is 6. He said we should use exactly the berries you used! Thanks for all the recipes! I will definitely have to look up the pepperoni!

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yes poemomm thank you for this inspiration. I'll first make it without the mac nuts because I forgot I don't have any of those. Oh well, I'll let you know how it comes out! Meantime, I have to make some of your pepperoni.

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31 votes
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This is so pretty! I never would have thought raw pie crust could make a top crust!

Thank you for this inspiration!

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16 votes
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LOL! You crack me up. I use my dull little digital camera, snap a shot or two and upload it to my computer. Then I hit browse on the edit recipe section and click the file. Voila!

18 votes
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OMG poemomm, how do you get such good pictures in all your recipes? Moreover, how do you get a picture in there? It always confused me. I want to get some pictures in my recipes too, so I can amaze people just like you! :) Would you become my raw cook at home? I'd pay a million dollars for that. your recipes are just amazing. Now I have to make some snickerdoodlesof yours. :)

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