Makes a delicious creamy, sweet, addictive dressing that you can add to anything. I made it as a raw soup base the other day and it was one of the best soups I had ever had in my life!
  • Yield

    Makes about 1/2 cup of sauce - I use it all in one go for whatever I'm using it for though!
  • Equipment

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Recipe Directions

Put tahini, tamari, sultanas and water from soaked sultanas in a blender.

Whizz and then add everything else and whizz again.

Emma jane's Thoughts

By emma jane

Makes a delicious creamy, sweet, addictive dressing that you can add to anything. I made it as a raw soup base the other day and it was one of the best soups I had ever had in my life!

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What else did you put in your soup? That sounds good! =)

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Sultanas are raisins, right?

23 votes
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Yeah, you can use raisins!

The soup was wicked...I made the sauce and left it in the blender and then added, spinach, carrots, rocket, and wakame. It was delish! You could add anything really, spinach is always good to get a large amount of greens in your diet. xx


19 votes
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Whizzz.mmm.. I think I'm going to make this tonight.

23 votes
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Yeah, you can use raisins!

The soup was wicked...I made the sauce and left it in the blender and then added, spinach, carrots, rocket, and wakame. It was delish! You could add anything really, spinach is always good to get a large amount of greens in your diet. xx

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What else did you put in your soup? That sounds good! =)

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Sultanas are raisins, right?

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