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Recipe Directions

Mix all ingredients in a large bowl (I have found that glass works better than plastic), I also use very fine chopped Thai peppers to taste in the place of the Korean red papper or sometimes both (make according to how hot you like things), toss very well, and refrigerate for one hour or longer (overnight is even better). Toss every now and then to mix as the water is being drawn out of the cucumbers and making the sauce. I usually eat over rice or rice noodles.

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wow this sounds swooo yummy and easy to i am going to make it in the morning since i have the ingredients at home all except the cucumbers. i can't wait i will let ya know


26 votes
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wow this sounds swooo yummy and easy to i am going to make it in the morning since i have the ingredients at home all except the cucumbers. i can't wait i will let ya know

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