I had a non raw version of this a while back and liked it alot!. I missed it, so I made my own version of it, but RAW! I will use it to add zing to salads, lentils, whatever! All we need now is a raw samosa recipe!!!

Recipe Directions

Blends about a cup of the mixture to a puree. Then add it to the rest of the ingredients and stir in. Plac in the fridge in a sealed container. It is best if used the next day!

Luna blu's Thoughts

By Luna blu

I had a non raw version of this a while back and liked it alot!. I missed it, so I made my own version of it, but RAW!

I will use it to add zing to salads, lentils, whatever!

All we need now is a raw samosa recipe!!!

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Thanks so much for the samosa recipe!!!

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ooh, sounds like it adds great flavor. maybe i'll use it on my raw tacos!!!!

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www.rawinten.com author Bryan Au has a raw samosa recipe that is quick and easy. I have not yet tried it yet because i'm addicted to his Taco recipe :) But, you might want to check it out. I love his recipes - how fast and easy and cost effective they are! This chutney sounds delicious!!!!!


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goodness this is a delicious chutney!! Thank you!

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Alissa Cohen also has a samosa recipe in "Living on Live Food". This chutney recipe would be good on lots of things!

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www.rawinten.com author Bryan Au has a raw samosa recipe that is quick and easy. I have not yet tried it yet because i'm addicted to his Taco recipe :) But, you might want to check it out. I love his recipes - how fast and easy and cost effective they are! This chutney sounds delicious!!!!!

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Thanks so much for the samosa recipe!!!

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Here is a raw samosa recipe I found awhile back...I still have not made them...they look good...


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ooh, sounds like it adds great flavor. maybe i'll use it on my raw tacos!!!!

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