Yummy “rice” to have plain, or ideal for sushi nori rolls!

Recipe Directions

Chop Cauliflower in a food processor until fine and “grain” like. You can then use completely raw cauliflower for the rest of the preperation. OR If you prefer you can soak the chopped cauliflower in the warm water for about 4-5 minutes to soften the texture..just make sure the temperature of the water isn’t over 110degrees. Starin the cauliflower and run cold water over to stop the “cooking”. Leave it to dry as thoroughly as possible ( you can put it in the dehydrator for a little bit to spead up the process.) Now mix together you raw or soaked but dried cauliflower with sea salt and agave. Enjoy as a rice side dish or in sushi rolls!

Peasandthankyou's Thoughts

By peasandthankyou

Yummy “rice” to have plain, or ideal for sushi nori rolls!

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21 votes
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You can use parsnip also. Good recipe. Thanks.

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Thanks for sharing this! It looks fun, easy to make, and tasty!

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and, if you blend a little of macadamia nuts with olive oil it turns out to be just as mashed potatoes


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Or you could use jicama. If you process jicama til rice-like, squeeze out excess moisture, then mix with a little ACV, agave and salt and then dehydrate for about one hour, it becomes sticky just like sushi rice. Tastes like it too!

21 votes
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You can use parsnip also. Good recipe. Thanks.

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ill have to try that

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and, if you blend a little of macadamia nuts with olive oil it turns out to be just as mashed potatoes

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Thanks for sharing this! It looks fun, easy to make, and tasty!

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