A tasty raw version of ice cream: simple, creamy, to the point. Very filling, though, so usually about four or five bites is all I can eat at a time. Feel free to half or quarter the recipe if you want to try it out. This is a variation on a recipe from Karen Knowles.
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Recipe Directions

1. Place ingredients in blender and blend until smooth.

2. Place in plastic container to freeze, or use an ice cream maker.

Darkblueskye's Thoughts

By darkblueskye

A tasty raw version of ice cream: simple, creamy, to the point.

Very filling, though, so usually about four or five bites is all I can eat at a time.

Feel free to half or quarter the recipe if you want to try it out. This is a variation on a recipe from Karen Knowles.

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Sounds tasty!

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Did you usw a vitamix or regular blender! I've made nut based icecream before and it was tasty, but not smooth enough! How do I get it to be smooth enuf?

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There is no soaking time? It's really this short and straight to the point? I think i'll start with a smaller amount. I'll probably get a 1 pound bag of organic raw cashews. I already have plenty of organic raw dates. And i'll get some organic raw vanilla bean powder. I have a champ 3 horsepower blender. So, this should be very straightforward. I'll report back on how it goes. 4 cups of pure creamy ice cream straight freezing? Sounds fast and tasty and healthy! hehe! :)

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I made this with almonds cuz its all I had and it turned out pretty good. Except I killed my kitchen aid blender while making it! lol :)

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Sunfood Nutrition sells raw cashews. www.sunfood.com

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Sounds tasty!

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I'll have to try this!

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