Recipe Directions

1. In a Vita-Mix or high speed blender, combine all of the ingredients, except the cocoa butter.

2. Pour the ice cream into a bowl, and put the cocoa butter shavings or coconut butter on top.

Cranberry's Thoughts

By Cranberry

I was kinda upset that all of the yummy looking raw ice cream recipes I found used an ice-cream maker, and I don't have one (yet ;-D).

So I thought of how to make ice cream, without an ice cream maker, that tastes really good, and I came up with this!

It's easy, simple, and so yummy!

For other variations, add cocoa nibs for chocolate chocolate chip. For mint chip, add cocoa nibs and a little bit of peppermint extract. Try any variation you want!

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Hmmmm, it kinda got a bad rating =/ Does anyone know what it might need to taste better?

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Hi Ajc, Thanks for the suggestion, have you tried it that way? Does it still blend in the blender? I got the frozen banana amount wrong, it was supposed to be four :-) Ooops. Sorry about that. Hey let me know what you think about the almond butter thing, and if you try it =) Thanks!

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Looks great! Another way to make ice cream w/out a maker is to just freeze it in a bowl and use your hand mixer about every 30-45 minutes to stir it and break up the ice crystals After 2 hours or so, you'll have ice cream! I have an ice-cream maker, but it's bulky and annoying, so I prefer the hand mixer method.


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Thanks for the tips rayne.dropp and Mimi77. I'll have to try both of those styles of making this next time =)

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Thanks Mimi, I'll look it up, and try it out!

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This sounds amazing! I cannot wait to try it out!

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Looks great! Another way to make ice cream w/out a maker is to just freeze it in a bowl and use your hand mixer about every 30-45 minutes to stir it and break up the ice crystals After 2 hours or so, you'll have ice cream! I have an ice-cream maker, but it's bulky and annoying, so I prefer the hand mixer method.

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I have found a link that I thought looked like an easy way to make ice-cream - just need to modify the given recipes :)

Just a suggestion ...

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I think that is a great recipe madame7,will try the one I make with the avocado,for reasons you stated.

This is the sort of recipe I was thinking when I read your post Cranberry.Not so much nut milk,so it is thicker.

Keep trying different things though,raw never gets boring!

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Definitely try it with avocado added. The consistency is much better due to the fat content and creaminess of the avocado. I make a smaller portion of this just for myself, and i use 1/2 an avocado with 1 1/2 frozen bananas, a few dates, vanilla bean, agave, cacao powder and nibs. I end up using only enough almond milk to get it blending, usually less than 1/4 cup. This dessert really takes the edge off when you're craving something bad. It makes a great pie filling as well.

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I make thick, hard-scooping ice cream all the time by just putting frozen bananas or other fruit chunks in my food processor! It creams it up without melting it and no liquid needed. You can also send it through your juicer if you have a champion type. Nut cream (strong milk) frozen in ice cube trays makes great ice cream too. I can't wait to try this recipe though. It sounds like it would make a great, thick shake like a frostee!

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Hi Ajc, Thanks for the suggestion, have you tried it that way? Does it still blend in the blender? I got the frozen banana amount wrong, it was supposed to be four :-) Ooops. Sorry about that. Hey let me know what you think about the almond butter thing, and if you try it =) Thanks!

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I would use almond butter instead of milk.It would make it thicker,maybe 1/2 cup.

1 or two cups of almond milk sounds too much with only two bananas.

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Okay, I tried the frozen banana, and it is so much better! Liljujubee, if you try the avocado way, let me know how it tasted!

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ladyfiremedic5's Review

Chocolate Ice Cream (Yay, No Ice-Cream Maker Needed!)
5 out of 5

This is very good! I did add Banana but I still think it is wonderfull

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You could try removing the peel and pit from an avocado and freezing that in chunks then blending that in with the icecream. I have heard avocado makes a good fudge too. And avocado doesn't have the strong distinctive taste like a banana. AND :) Acocado has a lower glycemic index than a banana I believe too (I think). I may try this with avocado and almond milk. I haven't tried this though but I have used avocado in smoothies and it blends to a very nice, smooth consistency (creamy) YUM!!! :)

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Okay! Thanks for the help :-D I'll defiantly try the bananas tomorrow.

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Don't worry about the rating. There are some who just give things very poor ratings without ever having tried them.

It sounds great, although I think it is probably a bit more like a slushy with the ice and might be more ice cream-ish with bananas. However, bananas in "ice cream" tend to have quite pronounced taste, which personally I like, but which is an acquired taste.

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I have never tried/thought or frozen bananas in this. I'll try it tomorrow and let you know how it turns out. I put some bananas in the freezer a little while back and have not used them yet, so I will tomorrow!

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I haven't had it, but why don't you use frozen bananas instead of ice? Does it taste better with ice?

21 votes
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Hmmmm, it kinda got a bad rating =/ Does anyone know what it might need to taste better?

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