Recipe Directions

1. Dump all ingredients into the blender. You may need to manually stir several times.


Waterbaby12347's Thoughts

By waterbaby12347

Chocoholics only! Much too chocolatey for the novice!

This will satisfy the monster in most women. Some may need to add more sweetness to the mix.

Great as a pudding or as ice cream.

High in protein, omega-3 fatty acids, calcium, and low in calories, sugar, and bad fats!

A coffee grinder for chia seeds is not totally necessary.

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Mmm this sounds good, the ground almonds sound interesting.I happen to have some almond flour I made and going to try that instead of just ground up almonds. Nixing the tofu since it's not raw or good for you and exchange avocado's instead. See what comes out and let you know. It defiantly sounds tasty.

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yea tofu is defenitely not raw. but its ok because bananas OR avocados (like loucakes said) will replace that and be way better :)

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WOW! Ok just made it and the nuts really add a totally new texture and flavor to the raw avocado made chocolate pudding. YUMMMY@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Had some left over banana pudding I made and added some chocolate to it and WALLA a nice milk chocolate flavor. WOW WOW WOW!!! So cool when everyone puts up these recipes. Thanks alot, going to go and chow down on this yummy concoction and watch a movie!!!


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Heidi13's Review

Chocolate Pudding or "Raw" Ice Cream
5 out of 5

Just made it. Instead of tofu I used 2 bananas and avocado. Yummy! :)

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Thanks all for the reminder about tofu!!! It was a left over thought from my vegetarian days...

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I used avocado instead of tofu. This is out of this world. Yum Yum

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WOW! Ok just made it and the nuts really add a totally new texture and flavor to the raw avocado made chocolate pudding. YUMMMY@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Had some left over banana pudding I made and added some chocolate to it and WALLA a nice milk chocolate flavor. WOW WOW WOW!!! So cool when everyone puts up these recipes. Thanks alot, going to go and chow down on this yummy concoction and watch a movie!!!

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yea tofu is defenitely not raw. but its ok because bananas OR avocados (like loucakes said) will replace that and be way better :)

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Mmm this sounds good, the ground almonds sound interesting.I happen to have some almond flour I made and going to try that instead of just ground up almonds. Nixing the tofu since it's not raw or good for you and exchange avocado's instead. See what comes out and let you know. It defiantly sounds tasty.

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silken tofu is not raw. a great raw replacement is avocado-- and it tastes delicious and even better than the tofu pudding i used to make before becoming raw.

also-- men can definitely be chocoholics, too!

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