Quick and easy. No need for sweeteners or fatty flavors! Make sure the bananas are very ripe so the taste is quite sweet! Taste so naturally good! Fattier and sweeter: add 5 to 7 Medjool dates and a 3/4 cup of soaked cashews. Now we're talking mouth drooling goodness!
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Recipe Directions

1. Take three frozen bananas and put in blender.

2. Cut open a young coconut (medium size) and pour in juice and scrap out jelly.

3. Blend until smooth and creamy.

4. Put in ice cream maker.

Healthymarcus's Thoughts

By healthymarcus

Quick and easy.

No need for sweeteners or fatty flavors!

Make sure the bananas are very ripe so the taste is quite sweet! Taste so naturally good!

Fattier and sweeter: add 5 to 7 Medjool dates and a 3/4 cup of soaked cashews. Now we're talking mouth drooling goodness!

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27 votes
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do you know how to do it without an ice cream maker?

like can you put it in the freezer and then take it out and stir it every half hour and put it back in the freezer or something?

23 votes
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well, it comes out like a slushy without the ice cream maker. still good though.

21 votes
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I'll try this minus the ice-cream maker. Sounds yummy!


27 votes
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do you know how to do it without an ice cream maker?

like can you put it in the freezer and then take it out and stir it every half hour and put it back in the freezer or something?

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23 votes
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well, it comes out like a slushy without the ice cream maker. still good though.

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21 votes
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I'll try this minus the ice-cream maker. Sounds yummy!

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