Delicious stuffed mushrooms with all kinds of goodness inside. Can be eaten as a main meal, with a salad or as an entree
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Recipe Directions

  1. Remove stems from mushrooms and discard.
  2. Gently wipe surface of each mushroom with a soft cloth to remove any dirt.
  3. Peel mushrooms with your fingers by pulling flesh from under each hood up and over the surface of each mushroom.
  4. Continue working your way around until mushroom is peeled. (This is quick once you get the hang of it.)
  5. Repeat with rest of mushrooms.
  6. Finely chop skins and set aside.
  7. Combine 2 cloves of garlic, sherry vinegar, a pinch of salt and pepper & 3 tbs of olive oil.
  8. Marinate mushrooms by brushing top and bottom with mixture. Set aside at room temperature.
  9. To make the filling, combine chopped mushroom skins in a bowl with remaining garlic and olive oil, tomato, pine nuts, parsley and basil.
  10. Spread mushrooms out on a dehydrator sheet or non stick baking sheet. Spoon equal amounts of filling into each mushroom.
  11. Dry out either in a dehydrator or oven set to 110F or 55C for 2-4 hours until softened.
  12. Love and enjoy!

Goddess Leonie's Thoughts

By Goddess Leonie

Delicious stuffed mushrooms with all kinds of goodness inside. Can be eaten as a main meal, with a salad or as an entree

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this looks like something i'll make for my mom...she loves SAD stuffed mushrooms...actually so do i...haha but this should help

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This looks yummy! Stuffed mushrooms are my favorite dish now that I'm mostly raw and I often take them to non-raw dinners.

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just made and waiting for it in the dehydrator. i sample a bit while making it and seems as though its going to be great. i put everything except the mushrooms in the food processor...(my lazy version) instead of chopping everything.


32 votes
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this looks like something i'll make for my mom...she loves SAD stuffed mushrooms...actually so do i...haha but this should help

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just made and waiting for it in the dehydrator. i sample a bit while making it and seems as though its going to be great. i put everything except the mushrooms in the food processor...(my lazy version) instead of chopping everything.

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29 votes
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This looks yummy! Stuffed mushrooms are my favorite dish now that I'm mostly raw and I often take them to non-raw dinners.

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