Shh, I got this recipe from the Live Food restaurant I work at. And it's as simple as 1-2-3. Yummy and nut-free. :) Enjoy the delicious creme! I also experimented adding soaked dried cherries and blending into mixture.
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    Serves 1-2
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Recipe Directions

1. Add all ingredients to blender except ice cube.

2 After blending, add 1-2 ice cubes and blend again.

3. If you have an ice cream maker at home,  you can use that instead of a blender.

Orgfoodaddict's Thoughts

By orgfoodaddict

Shh, I got this recipe from the Live Food restaurant I work at.

And it's as simple as 1-2-3.

Yummy and nut-free. :)

Enjoy the delicious creme!

I also experimented adding soaked dried cherries and blending into mixture.

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Silly question: what is Irish Moss gel? this recipe sounds very yummy!

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Hi Ikn- Irish Moss is a sea algae- commonly known as Carregeenan- that expands in water and when blended- takes on a gelatinous texture. Its extremely healing for the digestive tract and rich in minerals. sells irish moss.

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So once you have the Irish Moss, how do you make the gel? What proportion of moss to water, how long, etc?


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ikn and greenie- you can buy irish moss online at the above website. Its hard to say just how much irish moss creates a large spoonful- but I would recommend preparing more than two spoonfuls worth- especially if you begin to use it in other live dishes. The gel lasts about a good two weeks or more (go by the smell) - I would not freeze the gel for more than brief half hour.

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Thanks for the additional information. Can you tell us how much moss to start with to end up with a large spoonful of the gel? And how long the gel lasts in the fridge, or can you freeze it?

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Thanks! would chia seeds be a good substitute if I can't get the Irish Moss at my local healthfood store?

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First- the irish moss- you need to rinse really well till there is little to no seaweed smell. Wash off any excess sand/etc. Then soak irish moss in filtered water to cover for 12-24 hrs, rinsing a few times a day. After irish moss is soaked well- add in vitamix with water and blend- start with a little water- if you add too much the mixture will not congeal- blend well till smooth.

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So once you have the Irish Moss, how do you make the gel? What proportion of moss to water, how long, etc?

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Hi Ikn- Irish Moss is a sea algae- commonly known as Carregeenan- that expands in water and when blended- takes on a gelatinous texture. Its extremely healing for the digestive tract and rich in minerals. sells irish moss.

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Silly question: what is Irish Moss gel? this recipe sounds very yummy!

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