Rainbow Polka Dots
Joined February 19, 2008<p>going raw!</p> <p>i have been “transitioning” into a raw diet for the past few weeks. my goal is not to buy any cooked food or to cook any food. i may accept free non-raw food from others (including whole foods samples :) that’s during my little transition phase. hey, why make things hard on myself?</p> <p>so i never really cared about food but recently my body has really been telling me to go raw and i am obliging. it’s like a whole new word is opening up!</p> <p>the idea of a raw cheesecake being possible, made mostly of nuts, was almost like a paradigm shift for me! and the non-dehydrated falafel recipe on this site was also amazing. flax crackers made only of flax? and sprouting stuff!</p> <p>yes, yes, it’s still all very exciting to me :)</p> <p>i think its a good thing</p> <p>thank you all for the wonderful recipes!</p> <p>ash</p>
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