Recipe Directions

1. Mix all ingredients in the blender and whiz.


Coconut dream's Thoughts

By coconut dream

I’ve made this drink before without the chocolate, which is also good. But today, when I made it with the chocolate, it was creamy, foamy, and chocolatey, just like a chocolate latte!

Of course, you can make different variations of the drink. You produce the foam when you make almond milk fresh, so it’s better to make this drink when you have freshly made almond milk.

If you don’t have agave lying around, you can used 3-5 soaked dates instead for the sweetener.

To get a more fancier look, sprinkle a pinch of cinnamon or chocolate powder to get that real coffee shop feeling.

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32 votes
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Nice one! I bet the cinnamon makes the difference in choc smoothies

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Mmmmm yeah I just made this and it was grand. Thanks!

24 votes
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I made this today and it was so good!!! My son and I shared it for our morning snack. I used frozen bananas cause I didn't have any non frozen and it was awesome. The cinnamon was just what it needed, I never would have guessed!


16 votes
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OMG!!! This is absolutely delicious!!! I think i'm addicted to it. Thanks for helping me satisfy my major chocolate craving!

32 votes
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Mmmmm yeah I just made this and it was grand. Thanks!

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Awww, yay! I'm so happy you liked it!

24 votes
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I made this today and it was so good!!! My son and I shared it for our morning snack. I used frozen bananas cause I didn't have any non frozen and it was awesome. The cinnamon was just what it needed, I never would have guessed!

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This souns so easy and so good!

32 votes
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Nice one! I bet the cinnamon makes the difference in choc smoothies

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