This incredible ice cream was inspired by Skyespice’s “Chocolate Banana Cream” recipe. We had already eaten our chocolate quota, but wanted more yummy ice cream, so this recipe emerged! It tastes so caramely! If you miss those delicious caramel candy ice creams, then you’re sure to love this! I know it’s November,...
  • Yield

    Serves 4-8, depending on how badly you are craving ice cream
  • Equipment

Recipe Directions

1. Blend everything except the bananas together in a high speed blender until smooth.

2. Then add the frozen bananas and blend them in until creamy. I had to stop and stir regularly to keep things moving.

Luv-2B-raw's Thoughts

By luv-2B-raw

This incredible ice cream was inspired by Skyespice’s “Chocolate Banana Cream” recipe.

We had already eaten our chocolate quota, but wanted more yummy ice cream, so this recipe emerged!

It tastes so caramely! If you miss those delicious caramel candy ice creams, then you’re sure to love this!

I know it’s November, but it’s 85 F where we live.

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ooooh, this sounds yummy!

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one thing you could do if you don't want the banana flavor and if you have a champion juicer (or similar) is leave the banana out. then, freeze the nut milk mixture in a big freezer bag and lie flat in the freezer. once it is frozen, take it out of the freezer bag and cut into sticks that you can feed through the champion with the blank plate. it comes out like soft serve. i make chocolate ice cream this way by adding some cacao powder to the nut milk blend, and for a different flavor, i sometimes blend in young coconut meat before freezing.

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yum, i just tried this! it is very good. i made it with a nice thick hazelnut milk i made. one thing is, i didn't use enough banana to make it a thick enough texture, but it tasted very banana-y. i want to try to freeze something else... maybe make a date puree and freeze it first.


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one thing you could do if you don't want the banana flavor and if you have a champion juicer (or similar) is leave the banana out. then, freeze the nut milk mixture in a big freezer bag and lie flat in the freezer. once it is frozen, take it out of the freezer bag and cut into sticks that you can feed through the champion with the blank plate. it comes out like soft serve. i make chocolate ice cream this way by adding some cacao powder to the nut milk blend, and for a different flavor, i sometimes blend in young coconut meat before freezing.

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yum, i just tried this! it is very good. i made it with a nice thick hazelnut milk i made. one thing is, i didn't use enough banana to make it a thick enough texture, but it tasted very banana-y. i want to try to freeze something else... maybe make a date puree and freeze it first.

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ooooh, this sounds yummy!

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