Recipe Directions

I processed the strawberries with my juicer using the blank plate but one could use an FP or blender and puree. Stir in the remaining ingredients and chill. Enjoy!

Kevin7197's Thoughts

By kevin7197

My first published recipe. I had some strawberries that I needed to use up and decided some jam would be nice for breakfast. This is a very simple way to use up any fresh fruit or berries!

The irony for me is that I haven’t been able to eat strawberry jam since I was a kid! We had a HUGE jar of this awful, sugary, syrupy stuff when I was in second grade and I think my mother put that stuff on our toast for breakfast EVERY morning the entire school year. I was never so happy as when that jar was finally empty and I hadn’t eaten strawberry jam since.

I was apprehensive about this recipe but fresh and raw is DEFINITELY better. Strawberry jam is back in my diet after all these years, lol.

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ah! chia! great idea!

26 votes
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This sounds yummy! I bet it would be great on some sprouted raw bread. Thanks for the recipe!!

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You could if you like but I felt it was unneccessary since the strawberries have seeds. The chia blends right in!


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ah! chia! great idea!

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You could if you like but I felt it was unneccessary since the strawberries have seeds. The chia blends right in!

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18 votes
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Did you grind the chia seeds before you added it to the mixture?

This looks delish.

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This sounds yummy! I bet it would be great on some sprouted raw bread. Thanks for the recipe!!

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