Recipe Directions

  • 1. Place all mashed potato ingredients into a food processor.
  • 2. Process until creamy and smooth, similar in texture to the attached pictures. (Although you may be tempted to do so, do not add any additional liquid other than the 2 tablespoons of water. Also, if it seems difficult to process at the beginning, you may need to stop and scrape the sides a few times to help get it started.)
  • 3. Enjoy your raw mashed potatoes!

The Rawtarian's Thoughts

By The Rawtarian

A dollop of raw mashed "potatoes" on your plate turns an everyday meal into a festive feast!  And, yes, that's cauliflower masquerading as potatoes since eating raw potatoes is a no-no. :)

This is a simple cauliflower-based mashed potato recipe that adds a nice heartiness to a fresh meal.

Use these raw mashed 'taters as part of a holiday feast or just treat yourself with a nice hearty serving of mashed potatoes for a fun weeknight dinner. I recently enjoyed these mashed cauliflower-based "potatoes" with a large green salad and traditional style corn (just chop some raw corn off a cob and you've got a side-serving of corn)--served all on one plate I felt like I was at Grandma's -- raw style of course!


Recipe Photos

Nutrition Facts

Nutritional score: 80 out of 100
  • This recipe is very low in Calories, and Carbohydrates.
  • This recipe is low in Sodium.
  • This recipe is a good source of Protein, Iron, Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, and Vitamin K.

Amounts per 123 g (4 oz) suggested serving

NameAmount% Daily
Calories 208 8 %
Protein 8 g 14 %
Fat 15 g 19 %
Carbohydrates 14 g 4 %
Dietary Fiber 2.7 g 9 %
Sugars 4 g
Calcium 32 mg 3 %
Iron 2.6 mg 20 %
Sodium 319 mg 14 %
Source: USDA, The Rawtarian

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Comments and Reviews

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276 votes
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Yummy, right?? Perfect for this time of year, nice and traditional. #mmmmgarlic

258 votes
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I just made these and it is absolutely delicious. I'm a garlic person so I added more garlic but it's so delicious. A new favorite. Thanks!!!

Posted from The Rawtarian's Raw Recipes App

250 votes
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My kids didn't like the garlic taste but I loved this recipe. I made a lot just wondering how long this will keep in the fridge?

Posted from The Rawtarian's Raw Recipes App


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kieram8715's Review

Raw mashed potatoes recipe
5 out of 5

Made without garlic, added nutrional yeast instead for cheesy flavour it was great thank you got my potato fix

Can't wait to get dehydrator and try shaping the mix to make chunky potato fries

Posted from The Rawtarian's Raw Recipes App

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Nette’s Raw's Review

Raw mashed potatoes recipe
5 out of 5

Ok, so I was very skeptical because I tried making raw cauliflower mash potatoes before using a different recipie and it was disgusting, not even palatable and I threw the whole thing away. It kinda gave me a dislike for cauliflower. Then I read some of the comments here...but I was brave! I tried it and it was............really good! I used garlic powder instead of garlic but I ate it with cucumber kimchi which has raw garlic in it and I really enjoyed the dish.

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Yay!!! I'm so glad you tried it and won over your inner skeptic ;)

:) :)

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baileyt's Review

Raw mashed potatoes recipe
5 out of 5

I did not expect it to taste so good! My 14 month old enjoyed it too -- something he ate other than hummus! :)

Posted from The Rawtarian's Raw Recipes App

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Hi Bailey! Yes, I can see a 14mo loving the easy-to-eat smooth texture. I'm glad it was a hit in your house with your little one :)

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micheleb's Review

Raw mashed potatoes recipe
5 out of 5

If you blend/process it long enough, it is fairly similar to the texture grainy mashed potatoes. I liked the hint of garlic. :)

Question: have you ever tried using macadamia nuts instead of cashews on this recipe? I hear macadamia nuts are supposed to be very buttery like. They are pricey so I didn't want to experiment with them. LOL I'm curious if it will make them taste kinda buttery.

74 votes
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I haven't tried this recipe with macadamia nuts instead of cashews, but I think the results would be pretty similar.

I think adding an extra dollop of coconut oil will help with the buttery factor :)

101 votes
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I've made raw mashed cauliflower before and basically was this exact recipe but without the cashews. What would you say adding cashews does to the recipe?

Posted from The Rawtarian's Raw Recipes App

96 votes
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Hi Devin, adding cashews makes it more creamy, kinda like adding butter to SAD mashed potatoes! :)

102 votes
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nice at all the cauliflower doesn't taste of anything but what it is

Posted from The Rawtarian's Raw Recipes App

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Glad you liked it, Fifi, and thanks for sharing!!!

118 votes
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Tried it thou I added garlic and couldn't face it. May try again with less garlic. My fault as I used two cloves :(

Posted from The Rawtarian's Raw Recipes App

123 votes
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Hi Chrissie! Def. tweak the garlic amount if it's too strong! Let me know how the next batch turns out!

128 votes
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Hy I am new here, the cachews are unsoaked or when do you not mencionate it is always soaked?

Posted from The Rawtarian's Raw Recipes App

132 votes
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Hi Michelle,

No - do not soak unless it is specifically stated : )

124 votes
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My contribution to the traditional Thanksgiving meal this year was raw mashed "rootatoes" using Jicama and Turnips. Turned out yummy. Could have been a bit creamier if I had a food processor handy. Blender had to do.

Posted from The Rawtarian's Raw Recipes App

114 votes
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That sounds tres good, Richard. Did everyone like? :)

122 votes
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Wow never thought to add cashews to the potatoes. I like to add some garlic and top with chives. Can't wait to try with cashews now. Thanks for the great recipes! Keep up the good work.

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Thanks, Chris! Glad you enjoyed!

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Anbessa's Review

Raw mashed potatoes recipe
5 out of 5

WholeFoods sold out of Cashews due to thanksgiving rush. What can I use instead? Oats?

111 votes
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Hi Anbessa, macadamia nuts would be the only other sub.

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Tried this one tonight but the garlic ruined it for me :( too overpowering!! However, not deterred as the texture was great so I will give it another go very soon without the garlic. It wasn't wasted though as my labrador and chicken thought it was

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Oh dear. That's a shame, but at least your lab and chicken enjoyed! Def. leave out the garlic if it's too strong.

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I already wrote my loving review, but I do have one note after making it several times in the past month: the garlic gets really pungent/bitey if you have leftovers a day or two later. Since I'm cooking for one I may omit the garlic next time, but I'm torn about that because I love garlic and it's great in the first round.

117 votes
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Kara, thanks for sharing that. Good to know, but tough decision for you!

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