Recipe Directions

  • 1. Throw everything in a food processor (except the soy sauce). (Of course, make sure you soak and rinse your walnuts first. Soaking your walnuts is to soften them. Rinsing your walnuts removes the enzyme inhibitors and will make your final result taste better.)
  • 2. Process ingredients in your food processor until it become a smooth, cream-cheese-like consistency.
  • 3. Add the soy sauce near the end and then process again. The reason you are adding the soy sauce last is because if you add it at the beginning it might splash all over the place while the walnuts are flying around inside. Best to wait until it's smoother before adding the soy sauce to your mixture.
  • 4. Serve this walnut pate on cucumber rounds. The flavour of the cucumber and the pate go together in a heavenly way. Don't know what a cucumber round is? It's easy to figure out! Slice an English cucumber into chunky rounds that resemble crackers. Spread the walnut pate mixture on top. Tadah!

The Rawtarian's Thoughts

By The Rawtarian

OK, you're coming home for dinner. What are you going to eat?? Have a batch of this raw walnut pate recipe on hand and your tastebuds will thank you. Smooth and salty, it tastes divine paired with cucumber rounds.

It has a very savory flavor. It keeps in the fridge very well--if this pate lasts long enough!

The cucumber combination also makes a perfect appetizer, but I prefer to have a huge plate of cucumber cracker rounds for dinner!

PS: The soy sauce gives this raw recipe its taste so do not attempt to make this recipe without the soy sauce.

Recipe Photos

Nutrition Facts

Nutritional score: 61 out of 100
  • This recipe is very low in Carbohydrates.
  • This recipe is low in Sodium.
  • This recipe is a noteworthy source of Protein, Dietary Fiber, Vitamin B6, and Vitamin A.

Amounts per 74 g (3 oz) suggested serving

NameAmount% Daily
Calories 244 10 %
Protein 6 g 11 %
Fat 23 g 29 %
Carbohydrates 8 g 2 %
Dietary Fiber 3 g 10 %
Sugars 2.2 g
Calcium 47 mg 5 %
Iron 1.2 mg 9 %
Sodium 281 mg 12 %
Source: USDA

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217 votes
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LOL,you're funny! Not a bad addiction to have, though!

203 votes
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This stuff is my crack! I'm serious. I'm eating it right now and can't stop. I need an intervention someone please help lol. I absolutely love love love this stuff . I never thought of using it in a lettuce wrap before so thanks for the great idea. I'll have to try that the next time I make a batch because this batch is going...going...GONE!

I'm so sad now :(

Posted from The Rawtarian's Raw Recipes App

191 votes
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Wow, your wraps sound awesome Richard!! I want one :)


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borisj1085's Review

Raw walnut pate
5 out of 5

I will like this recipe, also it is very easy to make.

45 votes
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Peter 's Review

Raw walnut pate
5 out of 5

Great base to do other flavours. I missed out the onion and used sun dried tomatoes in oil, and paprika. Sensational.

46 votes
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erikafoy8's Review

Raw walnut pate
5 out of 5

This is a fantastic recipe. I was looking for something fast and easy to put on a coconut wrap w/ salad greens. I used spring onions instead of white onion (just didn't have white onion on hand) and added some cilantro. Just YUM!!!!

72 votes
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Do you think this would this work with non-raw soy sauce, too, or is the flavor of non-raw soy sauce too particular?

64 votes
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Hi Anna,

It would work perfectly well with non-raw soy sauce :)

60 votes
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Perfect, thank you. :))

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My pleasure, Anna :)

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EOV's Review

Raw walnut pate
5 out of 5

So because of you I recently went through a entire bundle of celery for the first time in my life! And then my second! It also means I am currently out and since I'm going on a trip soon I don't want to buy more now... any ideas if I can omit the celery and replace with another carrot- I know the flavor will be different, but I have the onions, walnuts, carrots, etc! Should I skip it?

I always plop a drop of sesame oil on this and sprinkle with the sesame seeds and garlic granules before serving now, we are such garlic fiends in my house!

68 votes
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I hope you survived the hurricane okay, EOV!

I'm glad you're ripping through the celery - not a bad thing :)

If you're still wondering about the celery/carrot replacement, it'll be *okay* but not ideal. I think I've done it in the past, and it just wasn't the same. I'd say, just get another pack of celery and chop up the rest and bring it with you for snacks. (Not the most exciting snack, but... a healthy one!)

Ooooh sesame oil, my fave for flavor lately. I can imagine that a drop of it would be really nice on top, as you mentioned - it would add some smokiness.

77 votes
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There's a hurricane coming and I'm gonna wing it. I will report back with results. :)

67 votes
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Loved the taste of this recipe and because it's so versatile. Who needs crackers or bread (or a dehidrator)?! And it lasts 4 days in the fridge?!!! Fantastic! This can be a quick snack four days straight. Yay!

Posted from The Rawtarian's Raw Recipes App

69 votes
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I am so bummed, I followed the recipe, would not puree, even added an extra couple of spoonfuls of water and then it got moving, but it just tastes bitter and not really flavorful. All the ingredients by themselves are good, I can not figure out what I could have done wrong when everyone else is loving it, and yes I know my way around food, I have tons of experience cooking and not cooking all sorts of recipes for decades. Any thoughts or ideas? I really wanted to give this to my dd but I fear the reprisal. :(

68 votes
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Warning bells.... I think your walnuts are funky! Have you tasted your raw walnuts?

Also, did you soak them in water first to soften them? This makes them easier to food process.

Also, did you use a food processor (and not a blender)?

87 votes
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Monika Rose's Review

Raw walnut pate
5 out of 5

Absolutely delicious and so simple. This is great and will definitely become a regular for me! I love it!

103 votes
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That's great, Monika! This is one of my fave recipes.

92 votes
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mona brezeanu's Review

Raw walnut pate
5 out of 5

absolutely delicious :) can't stop eating it ! thank you xx

99 votes
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You'll just have to make many more batches then, Mona! :)

93 votes
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When you say "process" it, which setting do you mean on the food processor? I have chop, puree, mix, and pulse.

91 votes
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Hi Sandra, use the puree setting!!! :)

112 votes
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Vote down!! I am so proud of myself lol! My very first pate and what a nice one too! Thank you so much! X

Posted from The Rawtarian's Raw Recipes App

93 votes
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I'm proud of you, too, Olivia! Go girl! :)

92 votes
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Ok so just wanted to say that this works rolled up into sushi too! I may or may not have mistaken this pate for the ginger spread in a dimly lit kitchen today. ;)

Posted from The Rawtarian's Raw Recipes App

99 votes
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Awfully dim kitchen, lol. But yummy sushi! :)

111 votes
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I am sensitive to walnuts and pecans...has anyone tried this with macadamias, cashews, or almonds? Or do you have a different similar recipe? Thanks!

90 votes
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Hi Alex, this recipe works best with walnuts. You could try this recipe...

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