Brownies Unite!

The next step is to make some brownies! Fun, right?

Simple yet delicious, this basic raw recipe is the perfect introduction to raw desserts and to using your food processor.

This recipe requires, at minimum, your food processor.

Your First Dehydrating Day

The Rawtarian says:

"Invite a friend or family member to join you for a dehydrator day at your house. They’re lots of fun!"

Dehydrating Basics

Welcome to the world of raw, uncooked veggie burgers, cakes, squares, kale chips, onion bread, raw pizza and so much more!

"Is this thing even on?"

If you’re dehydrating for the first time, I want you to take your dehydrator out, plug your dehydrator in and make sure that it works! Chances are that you’ve purchased your dehydrator online and it may have traveled a long way to get to your door.

RFP15: Recipe Organization - App Launch

By The Rawtarian

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In this episode of The Raw Food Podcast The Rawtarian talks about how she uses her recipes (cookbooks, printouts, eBooks, etc.). She also introduces her husband Cameron (her sometimes co-host), and they chat about The Rawtarian's Raw Recipes app for the latter half of the episode.

Beware: we are kind of hyperactive and giddy during this episode. In fact, we kiss on air lol.

Want to find out more about the app? Check out


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RFP14: Raw Pizza

By The Rawtarian

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In this episode of The Raw Food Podcast The Rawtarian explains how to make a raw pizza:

1. Step one: make a crust using a dehydrator. Here are the recipes: raw pizza crust made from regular almonds (<--easiest) OR crust made from almond pulp (leftovers from making almond milk). You can now either use the crust right away or refrigerate or freeze it.

2. Spread one raw sauce on your pizza crusts. It's easiest to use a leftover sauce that you have already used for something else:

3. Sprinkle chopped veggies on top of the pizza crust that has sauce on it. I like to use three different toppings at one. Choose from pineapple, green pepper, sun dried tomatoes, onions, mushrooms, etc.

4. Dehydrate "dressed up" pizza for an hour or two to get it warm and tasty and so that the veggies shrivel up a little bit to resemble a cooked pizza :)

PS: At the end of the episode I make a preview announcement about the raw recipes mobile app that I am working on for iPhones, iPod Touches, iPads and Android devices! It will be for sale soon - hopefully some time in November if all goes as planned...

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