Recipe Directions

1. Process cashews in food processor until they are pasty in consistency.

2. Mix in all the other ingredients.

3. Place 1 tablespoon sized cookie dollops onto a dehydrator sheet.

4. Dehydrate for approximately 12 hours at 105 Fahrenheit (could also dehydrate at 115 Fahrenheit for 8-10 hours with similar results).

Kandace's Thoughts

By kandace

Tart, chewy lemon macaroons.

I’d recommend at least doubling this recipe, as the cookies are addictive and go quite fast!

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would macadamia nuts work instead of cashews?

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These were absolutely delicious, I wanted to save some for my daughters to try, but just couldn't wait a couple of days and finished them off. Next day I used the last of my cashews and made another batch. Needless to say, my daughters never got any. Kandace, thank you so much. This recipe is a definite keeper!!!

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So glad to hear so many of you are enjoying this recipe! I just got a call from my Dad, about as far from a raw vegan eater as you can get, and he asked me to make him a batch of these again. How awesome is that!

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Whoa! This is the best lemon cookie on earth. Flavor is out of this world. The best part was licking the bowl while waiting for them dehydrate. This might be breakfast someday. A must try!

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I used Almonds and made them flatter (so they would fit into my lunch box) They taste so good. They gave me some good ideas to make a Macadamia and Date cookie, a kinda sticky toffee cookie... I'll have to post it if it works...

Bear. x

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So I tried this batch with my own dehydrated coconut and the texture was so so....anyway the flavor was great although a little too much lemon, so I wanted to try again....I made the batch again with less lemon, purchased some organic dehydrated coconut and have put them in the dehydrator....I'll let you guys know tomorrow how they came how....this was a totally different experience than the first time....can't wait

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Ok so I didn't have any dried coconut but a fresh one so I dehydrated my coconut meat and it yielded only a 1/2 cup of dried coconut. They're in the dehydrator as we speak but the batter was heavenly. I can't wait to try them tomorrow. If the batter is any indicator of how they taste...boy oh boy! I was thinking of using this recipe (changed slightly) as a frosting for a raw cake.

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I made 3 whole batches of these. But upon tasting, found these very disappointing. The lemon was overpowering, and the lemon-cashew mix didn't vibe well for me. It gave the cookies a sour, rather musky, flavor. I ended up tossing the three batches and regretting having wasted so much money for the ingredients. Darn.

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These are amaZING wow, sooooo yummy, sooo quick! A jem of a recipe!

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these are better than cooked macaroons anyday! i pretty much ate half the batter before i even put them in the dehydrator lol .. so the second time i doubled my batch! Thanx for posting this great and simple desert! :D

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I brought these to the cottage this weekend and my family gobbled ALL of them in about 30 seconds.

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I used almond butter instead and they turned out really great.

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Hi There,

David and I love the lemon cookies. They are very easy to make and tasty!! Thanks for sharing the recipe.

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I just made these tonight and I don't usually like lemon but I made these for my boyfriend and had to force myself to put them on the dehydrator- I loved these even before dehydrating!

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I tried these with blueberries and no lemon juice, not as good as I was hoping. Then I tried useing raspberries AND lemon juice with whole raspberries dehydrated on top.They were as good as they looked and they looked great!!!!!

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i made these over night they r still in dehydrator but i hace been sneekin a few, I just don't know since i am new to dehydrator non cookin but are they supposed to get hard or will they harden up in the refrigerator? please tell me before i eat them all, LOL thanks

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ok I am soaking my ashews right now, but had to run to local supermarket(small town) for coconut, and all i found is the usual packaged sweetend kind, is this going to change the taste, alot. I will get some of the real stuff next week but don't know if i can wait till then to try the cookies

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Add me to the list of fans for this recipe! Ohh my goodness good! Thank you thank you!!!

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We love these cookies!! We tripled the recipe and it got half eaten up as soon as we took them out of the dehydrator!!! LOL!! Delicious!!!

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We just finished our second batch (doubled of course). My mom (non-raw, but interested) loved them; even my grandfather (SAD) liked them.

chicyuna, No they should stick together like a SAD cookie dough. I think it is easier if you process the cashews untill they form a dough, then add the other stuff to the processer and keep processing. You have to stop and scrape it down a few time. Enjoy

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these are wonderful! we didn't have agave so we used maple syrup instead and it was still very yummy. i think we are going to try other citrus fruits on our next batch. thanks!

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Hi, I have a quick question about these. Are they supposed to be really crumbly? I made some tonight, and I put the cashews in the processor, but then I mixed in the rest of the ingredient by hand, and I'm having a hard time trying to keep them together. Should I have put all the ingredients into the processor? Are they supposed to fall apart really easily? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

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I made these awhile back. I used half cashew & half macadamia nuts & added a wee bit of salt to balance the flavors. Very addicting! Making more tonight!

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old vegetarian - slighly new to raw... certainly new to dehydrators. my first batch of "cookies" are drying up as we speak. I got kind of carried away in the process of making them and added WAY to much sweetener - which i then tried to fix by adding some sunflower butter (which i just realized might not be raw) to the mix. i'm not sure if i ruined the batch... guess i'll find out tomorrow.

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